Testing the New Universe Feedback

A bulk craft has the same craft time as the base craft x the increase (so 10x long for 10x doors) - there is no saved time in crafting in bulk

I think I would like to see maybe a 10% crafting speed benefit to bulk / 20% to mass - but maybe that is too much of a benefit

Okay Death is Annoying maybe more then it use to be…

The XP you owe at low level is alot.
But worse is the Exotic Stout Wildstocks…
I am trying to get glue which means I need bone. Sure I could not try to kill exotic Stout Wildstocks but the mobs feel so few and far between… plus the low level weaponry and lack of health from a new player perspective and those guys are a bit much…

And it seems the exotics are very common maybe more common then they should be and perhaps their shouldn’t be exotics on the tier 0 worlds at all…

But the worst thing about death is the Teleportation to someplace so far away I have lost out on looting I don’t know how many mobs because I don’t have any idea where I died because I end up at a random location… I just don’t like the teleport at all…


Stand on a tower of something and shoot down. Also troll the water areas and find already dead creatures.

As for the distance after death I think it needs to be far because on harder worlds you need to get away from the mobs. Maybe on starter worlds it can be closer but we cannot lose the distance on hard T2+ planets.


I haven’t experienced death yet. I always rarely have. I have just been using a stone slingbow so I don’t attack things stoudt and higher. As for the bone, I actually completed the building storage blocks (and thus the glue) before I ever killed anything. There is water everywhere with the dumb critters drowning in it. I just hopped in the water when I saw bodies and collected the bones, meat, etc. Might as well take advantage of an abundance of free goodies. :smiley:

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I don’t mind the current death penalty at all, it feels just about right to me

I noticed if you partially mine a grass block, then mine the grass on top of the block, it resets the progress on mining the grass block. For example if it takes me two hits to mine the block normally, but I accidentally tag the top of the block after the first hit, it resets and I have to do two more hits to break the block. This actually happens to me quite a bit, it’s kinda annoying.

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Yeah mining the grass blocks is annoying, I always come at them from the side to avoid dealing with the grass on top lol

there are i think dune got some he got all machines i think we build on a tech hotspot