Text color issues!

Logged on this morning and started chatting with someone in-game, but instead of my text being luminous yellow as it has been for months now, everything I said starts with :#luminous yellow:. I tried to rename a sign, put in color, but the text stays with :#blue: in front. My friend sent me a screenshot, to her the sign text is blue and my text is yellow. To another person, I was showing the command each time I spoke. Gleam club still has lots of time, please help.

Did your Gleam Club expire?

Already said I have lots of gleam club left.

Whoops sorry, missed that

Haha I’ve seen a few people shouting #luminousyelllow Hello! over the past week or so. I thought it was very strange, but didn’t realise it’s a bug.
It may have been you though. Do you hunt with Lesioui?

eww, no I don’t

I feel like the “eww” was unnecessary.


Can’t help it, his hunts make me physically sick. But none of this is helping with my issue

Sure, they make you physically sick. You forget “literally” in there bud


If you become physically sick during hunts, you may have epilepsy or something similar, and should probably see a doctor for a referral to a specialist.

Good luck fixing all your issues.

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What language your game is? Game has had bug that named colors work only for client if it is in same language.

Try using hexadecimal color codes like for example :#FFFFFF: for white or :#0000FF: for blue. For more color options you could for example this https://www.google.com/search?q=color%20picker

English, I will give the hex codes a try. Thank you

interesting, that actually worked. how did my game change languages?

Did you install the mod that shows the color codes on all blocs? Had same issue after installing it

yes I did. just realizing that may be the issue

If your friend or someone else plays on different language colors that names could be broken, I don’t know has that fixed or not.

Yea shes in AUS, that would make sense.

Ok, the switch to hex codes fixed everything. It did happen to be an issue with the block colour mod. Thank you for your help :grin:

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I think this still bug in game when by changing local files game would ignore that feature and show color codes that are names as raw text in game @vdragon

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Yep, more details here.

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