The Coin system - is it going to be an issue?

Coin Machine is in the works! Should be in an update soon after the big Exoworlds update!

A machine you can chuck in items and get coins in return at a lower price than selling them to other players. Convenience vs output


This is really great news. :grinning: This especially will give newcomers a way to earn some coin if theyā€™re willing to put a little time in.

Haha! Maybe there is still a reason to keep that extra rock!

Finally, i can get rid of all the bones, tallow, hide and meat in my storages!!! :blush:

The economy is what it is. The value of coin is based upon what people set their prices at. If a T6 hammer was consistantly set at a price of 100,000c, we would all start crying to fix the economy and add more ā€œFaucetsā€

But would we have a problem rite now if T6 hammers were consistantly priced at 1,000c? The perception of the economy is just an opinion. People who recieve loads of traffic and footfall over their beacons think a T6 hammer @ 12,000c is reasonable. But the majority of players who have maybe one shop and not in a major city may interpret a 12,000c hammer to be ridiculously expensive.

In short, the Economy and coin generation / Sinks are appropriate. We as the economists need to reflect the coin. not make the coin reflect our opinion.

You canā€™t earn coin without a little work. Run around some shops and look for who has stocked request baskets, then go acquire those goods and fill those baskets. I consistently have 5-8 baskets refilled with 10k per basket each day. I know i have a few loyal sellers and they know im consistant. They now have an extra avenue to make coin. Trusting your supplier and your seller is how the economy revolves.

Trust and consistency is how I built my empire.

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Um, Iā€™ll take all those off your hands for you!

Can put them to good use :slightly_smiling_face:


This is more ā€œfree marketā€ tripe. The economy has a number of systemic issues and inflation isnā€™t one of them. We need coin faucets more than anything.

I respectfully disagree, I feel we need more reasonable prices. Then goods will flow much more and more people will see coin come and go.

If the economy had a purpose like a government does, then the economy would need issues to be ā€œfixedā€ in order to achieve itā€™s purpose. But since the boundless economy is a secondary thought and only meant as an avenue for players to coordinate with eachother and trade goods or services it has no issue accomplishing that. Not being able to purchase things, because there is not enough coin available, thatā€™s a personal and pricing issue that falls on the consumers.

Inflation would mean 100c can buy less today then 100c could yesterday. In fact, that is not the case. Bombs, T6 Hammers, Titanium tools power coils and several other goods have decreased in price since the beginning and are continuing to decrease. The only inflation we suffered was when they ā€œre-calculatedā€ footfall generation.

Boundless has one straightforward tax on all goods, and has no other restrictions. I would say we have about the closest thing to a free market as possible. Such as a free market does, when things are over valued, the economy corrects itself. It just takes a long time to do so. I forsee T6 hammers going for 5,000c at some point in the future.

Although im debating like a keyboard warrior, I would like to see other faucets in the game. I just disagree that itā€™s the economyā€™s fault.


This is a primer on the economic issues facing the game and solutions that should be enacted to resolve the persistent deflationary effects of a small user base and a contracting economy.

Placing the blame on consumers by saying coin availability is a personal issue shows a deep misunderstanding of the intricate connections the economy has to core functionality of the game. You can check my post history for detailed analysis on these points.

I simply replied because your judgement is, in my analysis, in error. If you contract the economy any further, you wonā€™t have sufficient coin to motivate economic activity. Velocity of currency is crucial for a successful economy, and an accepted amount of inflation is necessary.


I dunno, I worry coin machine will hurt the economy badly. TBD.

If reverse footfall (people getting coin for entering other beacons with enough prestige) is added, there would need to be ways to prevent people making coin generators. Like there would have to be 15 second cooldown after recieving reverse footfall before you can get some again, and to give reverse footfall beacons would have to be at least hamlet status.

This was my thought. the established players should be appealing to the noobs with enticing places, cheap/free starter gear etc.
Will create more committed players and boost the economy too I would think.
Iā€™ve seen a few shop stands with free iron tools for noobs.

Maybe someone could make Noob city? :laughing: Iā€™m sure this idea could be helpful if someone executed it properly hah

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I definitely will disagree here. This is going to put more money in to more hands. People wonā€™t have to spend time running all over or trashing items.

They tend to not build big things so get barely any footfall. This coin machine will basically give them a means to generate their own footfall, in a scaled back way. More people with more money means more things will get bought. As a result of this some items will go down in price and others will go up in price as a people can value how they spend their time differently now as they will be capable of making some earned income from their coin machine. Itā€™s not like it generates money for free. They have to put in the work for it and get a lesser return than they would if they sold to a player, in theory, but a guaranteed income none the less.

This will be nothing but good for the economy. Try making a new character with no benefits. Donā€™t aid yourself at all, donā€™t use your old builds to steal footfall etc. Do a true fresh start. Making money as a new player is dependent on being able to find a basket to and then it having funds stocked. This coin machine if implemented well will be a boon for newer players and new player retention as a result.

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Kind of trying this with mine, though it isnā€™t goodā€¦ but still, there is a definite need for it, something like a Minecraft tutorial village would be ideal, but just in general places for newbies to settle that make it clear that newcomers are welcome and with stuff to help them out. After I rolled out the welcome mat a few new neighbors mentioned they didnā€™t want to impose. I think some get intimidated by the really good stuff.

@anon67769248 - Totally agreed! I believe this will do nothing but good for the economy, and it will allow some of the more pure builder folks to be able to get what they need to do their work much easier. It is very good to know that Iā€™ll always be able to get coin if I just put some time in, not have to worry that someone is underselling me, or no request baskets out there, and it sets a bottom line for how low prices can go. And I always spend my coinā€¦ :slight_smile:

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footfall is for alts not for mains :grin:
EDIT sorry did not notice the necro

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I know :slight_smile:

Care to elaborate? It seems to me that having a consistent way to earn coin tied to an in-game activity is a vital improvement for the gameā€™s economy. Active generation of coin is much better then it being passive and based on the activity of other players.


Have they ever discussed daily login gifts or daily tasks for bonuses? Iā€™m surprised this isnā€™t already used

As far as I know there arenā€™t any daily login gifts. We donā€™t get bonuses for doing anything. you go exploring you get xp for finding a new region. Collect so much of something and you get rewards for doing something, fulfilling a objective or feat, never really checked out the feats to see what they are or what they give.
Make so many items from your machines can give xp and you will level up and get xp, coins and after a bit you will have earned skill points you can spend to increase your skills.

there are daily and weekly quests that give coin, but a pretty paltry amount.