i dont think the new devs have any ambition to evolve the game, its more like waiting and milking the cow.
they never post news of the progress on their own, only respond to post like this one…
what is the problem to tell the community the actual progress of the transition?
do you love that ppl picking you out every tiny bit of the nose?
transition is now over 2 years, tiggs talked about at least one year. ok their is room to the up.
in 5 years its also valid… maybe in 10 years the transition isnt finished…
monumental keep it spongy, dont wonder if ppl go away and the milky cow get smaller.
but they dont care, buying a new game and milk it too. boundless will end like crowfall
The servers are up … just play the game or don’t. There are plenty of posts like this that you can simply see that they are dedicated to keeping the servers running.
That’s all we got and while most everyone doesn’t like that… there’s a solid group that still plays.
Yes, I 100% agree that Boundless will end like Crowfall. Eventually what little money they make off the game allowing them to keep the lights on will necessitate them simply turning everything off and the game will be buried and forgotten except by those with fond memories.
As Redlotus said, either play the game, or don’t. There’s no point beating a horse that’s not only dead but was buried years ago. Monumental doesn’t give a !@%. They have no plan. They might have at one point but it’s gone.
So enjoy Boundless for what it is right now. For the vast majority of us, it’s on to the next and Boundless will remain a series of happy memories that transitioned into abject failure.
players are playing, sure, but its about the devs. and i dont think you are a dev @Redlotus
and as the title says, its about the future, not the present of the game…
Totally get it. I’m not saying I disagree with you. I’m just saying that this question has been asked 100’s of times and there has been no answer. While I’m not a dev, I do help moderate the forums and I see this question, multiple times a week or some form of it.
Sadly, we are where we were with James, but with Monumental at least Tiggs is active, James just cold left us for 2 years with zero communication.
While I don’t like the situation, I do like the game and the community, so I just play it. As for its future, if I were the devs I’d focus on getting new players more than anything.
It really just comes down to a mindset shift a person has to either have or not about the game. The original devs got in a situation they couldn’t change and felt it was best to just stay quiet about it until they could fix it. There was no reason for them to say - yup the game is having issues due to our lack of time - when it was clearly that being the problem. Luckily, Monument came along and gave us a bit of breathing room and are for whatever reason basically in a situation where development on the game can’t move forward.
It really is what it is and unless someone here has the funds to buy the game and development each person just has to decide:
- Leave and never come back
- Sit on the sidelines and wait
- Play and hopefully just enjoy the game we have while we have it.
Nothing else will adjust the situation. They have the cards and either will show their hand or not.
Personally I’m very glad we still have a group of people that are willing to join and just have fun. It is nice to be in a hunt with some people and cross old friends. I do wish more would just enjoy it as well instead of sitting it out.
Looks like you have the same luck that I do at attracted meteors to your location LOL.
I’ve stated this before, but its been a while, so here I go again…
Two very easy (imo) things they can do to help us keep the game alive and quench our thirst for fresh content…
1: Private offline worlds. Of course it wouldnt be the same as the persisting online world, but theres no reason we shouldn’t be able to do it. Minecraft runs on xbox 360 and antiquated pc’s, its not a hardware or licensing issue. They were teased a while ago, they need to just pull the trigger on that. Then I could still boot up a world 10 years down the road.
2: Player created textures. While it may not be as good as new mechanics and Titans, a simple user tool to create custom textures on blocks would absolutely change the game. Many of the player paints were from a contest Wonderstruck held where a similiar tool was implemented. The bones are there, they would just have to fine tune it.
These are not huge things, but I feel like they WOULD be huge for the community. Thnx for letting me ramble, much love yaw’ll
With the body paint contest. The designs players made were recreated by wonderstucks artist. But the ideas came from the players.
I’d love to see some new blocks though.
I’ve created a few myself over the years.
So monumental would need an artist and a programmer to then add them to the game. If it’s a new block there will have to be a recipe to make the block unless they did something like the deco marble where you can block change to get different skins on the block. All of which requires some work.
That said I still would love this.
I remember that!!! So cool
Offline worlds would just fracture the community more than it already is sadly. I think if you had a decent sized playerbase offline worlds would make more sense. But offline worlds from a business perspective make very little sense.
I personally never want the offline worlds where someone could have full control over everything in the game, sounds a bad plan. Having been on MANY multiplayer servers in different games there’s just a lot of favoritism and giving of items to people, cheating, servers just randomly shutting down, lack of players, etc. Just not my cup of tea.
Oh this would be amazing…
What do you think the recipe would be? I reckon Hide + Foliage + Timber + Nails?
what fractured the community is the bias in this game players who get trolled get banned i seen it happen 3 times already to players just defending them self these devs make it look like they only care about the money for worlds since that’s where most of the money comes from . this will be my 4th post massed reported and taking down watch please prove me right
I figured leather, cotton cloth, hide, and timber.
Or the other idea.
No new recipe.
Chisel change deco wood.
Each wood type could be a slightly different book setup to add more variety.
Sorry this is off topic. lol.
I’m just waiting for enshrouded to hit console it looks amazing and the updates are great. This game will always be just short of a diamond. But it’s still good. Sad that monumental let it go like this. But the lights are on at least for now. @monty1 would probably be the only person who can address the true state of this game and if they will sell it when the lights turn off.
Could never get over the unknown when a offline world or private owned instance of a game would just shut down and all progress lost. So hard to start some games over from scratch.
I was against this from the start. Either play the game or not. But it’s meant to be at least played with a sense of community. Offline worlds runs contrary to the game’s concept as a MMO.
Some people play the victim so well, I’m surprised they don’t carry around their own body chalk…
Here’s a bit of truth about the present and future. If Wonderstruck had not sold the game to Monumental, it would have shut down around 2021-22. The fact that we’ve had over 2 years more of mostly stable gameplay, I consider that a win.
There are people I’ve met in the past 2 years of gameplay that I never would have met if the game had already shut down.
But if you want more, you might be better off looking elsewhere.
I don’t think it would, personally. You may be looking at it from the online player base perspective, so yeah, you may lose some of those to offline worlds, but I think you’d gain a massive haul of players overall - those that enjoy the game, but not as it stands currently.
It may well take the game in a different direction than originally intended, but I think at least having some form of positive direction, as opposed to the stagnating, slowly disappearing down the drain one we have now, would be a benefit to all.
It may not be your cup of tea, but I’d weigh in that Minecraft thrives, in part, because of it (and of course the modding capability).
I think there could be ways around that, or to soften it at least. For example, if Monumental were to offer a paid hosting service where players could take over payments if the original purchaser stopped etc. or make available a downloadable copy of the worlds for all players, so they could continue either on another paid hosting plan or taken away for offline play.
I’ll go back to sleep again now - see you in 6 months
Minecraft thrives on the larger servers more than anything, I think. I have run several MC servers myself and once you get over the proverbial hump people just stop playing. That aside, I always feel comparing MC to Boundless is a pretty bad comparison because MC doesn’t have a whole persistent universe while MC thrives on its hosted servers, Boundless having its persistent universe would just fracture and IMO that persistent universe is what makes the game and where Boundless thrives (monetarily included). As I stated though, if that was the only way Boundless was to “live on” then I’d understand.
All that said, I still play MC and, in a few communities, but largely the servers are popular when the first start, then popular after a wipe then die out after a bit.
Any update would be a positive in my eyes, but focusing on rolling out the hosted servers would mean a pretty hard development cycle unless that future development cycle was already figured out by James. If the persistent world is updated would the local server receive the same update? Is it developed in tandem or separate?