The future of this game

Think I am shadowbanned on the forums as I don’t see any news on it :frowning:

I think it was only announced in the discord.


i cant see anything related to it

For anyone that missed the post on Discord.


hmmm… i can say i dont like this where it is going… at least Tiggs were associated with Boundless as Monumental bought it and they worked to be familiar with our struggles…
Kongregate know nothing about Boundless, how person who probably dont know this game exist can help us?

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Exciting news!

Let’s hope this is what the hold up has been for Boundless. Waiting to have control over kongregate which was purchased approximately 1 year ago. (The time we were told the wonderstruck transfer was supposed to take.) and merging the companies. Kongregate has 75 employees according to google. :crossed_fingers: we’ll finally get some development going.

Article from a year ago.


It was on the Boundless Discord I posted it and then Tarranth posted here as he didn’t know where I got it from.

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Actually, I did know :rofl:
I just forgot to post that it was posted on discord. :see_no_evil:
My bad. :grimacing:


This has to be the best joke of 2024 in regards to them buying Kongregate- “Monumental has a strong track record of managing and growing games”

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I’d rather stay positive. I still have fun playing the game. And would like to continue doing so.
If nothing happens, so be it. If the game shuts down, I still made the most of it while I could.


Don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE to see this revealed as the reason for the hold up but I’m still very skeptical. It’s possible what Kongregate brings is needed for the vision of Boundless (and other games) but Kongregate’s acquisition being finalized does not necessarily means developers will be brought on for Boundless. I hope that is the case but, given how long it’s been, I’m going to stay firmly on the side of “we’re still a looooong way from any updates to the game, if any happen at all”.

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kongregate community management from the look of there website there small team that has not worked on any big games so there good for this small game don’t look like they know how to help it grow but don’t take what i am saying just look at there website to see for yourself

looks like monumental just bought them last year 2/8/2024 maybe they where building up the team for a year before they switched over tot hem running the forums

its not a dead horse when others for years said the game is fine when we keep saying it was not ,us saying we told you so will not stop until the game is dead or they some how make players come to the game until then" we told you so "

The game works fine, and they are dedicated to keeping the servers running. That was from Monumental and technically the only factual statement that can be backed up.

Other than that, any “told you so” is pure speculation.

The game however has a small, but dedicated playerbase and that hasn’t changed. We have had some old people return and some new players, but the playerbase still hovers around 50-70ish peak players.

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I would disagree with this. Lately, more and more people are having graphical and gameplay issues.
And more than one is having the same issues.

Yea that one I dunno about. I have been playing every day and other than the occasional lag spike (could be the internet or the servers) things are ok on my end.


This happened to me a couple of weeks ago when I tried to log out. When the countdown hit zero, it stopped and this was the result. I couldn’t exit the game without using Alt + F4. Last week, the same thing happened to @Wondernut.
There was one who was stuck in the Sanctum for an hour and another who couldn’t go through any of the European portals.

These things seem to be happening more often… :person_shrugging:

Who knows could be internet, Steam, Sony, or hardware be it PC or PS4/5 or the servers or any combination.