The future of this game

Wow, lots of new games to manage!


Yes, you’re all right, i 'm mad spent so much Hours ; )
But its fun and relaxing




Let’s talk about the state of the market and its future.
Logic is that the more players and goods there are on the market, the lower the prices is and vice versa.
What worries me a little is that, even if the base of new players is small, I wonder what kind of reaction they’ll get if, for example, they find out as they evolve that the machines need power coils, they have to pay 3.5k for each coil, and the same goes for oort shards etc…
I’m afraid that the state of the market will scare off new players more than anything else, and drive them out of the game within the first few hours.
The aim is not to break the economy, but to apply a discount to new players. How? you might ask. Anybody can pretend to be a new player, you’ll tell me.
The idea would be: the discount would be applied according to the possibilities of each seller and on high-value products only, or on products that each seller has chosen.
Lvl 1 to 10 = 50% off
Lvl 10 to 20 = -30%
Lvl 20 to 30 -20%
Lvl 30 to 40 -10%
Lvl 40 the player will have to pay the current market price, this system also allows to filter those who would intend to abuse it pretending to be a new player. If a new player asks you 50 coils you should be a little wary :rofl:
As you will have understood, this can only be done by trading, and obviously with a limited quantity per player. The aim is to give a little help at the beginning.
I’d like to remind you that Boundless is a game that takes a long time to learn, and there’s no real tutorial.
I apologize in advance if my English is misunderstood. Thanks for taking the time to read my crazy idea.:sweat_smile:


Well it doesn’t help that over a billion coin was dumped into the economy. And is why the prices of everything went up.

On a separate note. I remember when coils cost 10000c in the beginning of the game.
My first advanced coils cost me 5000c and over time they slowly dropped.


I think that the first issue is, people can very well make things themselves. It takes a lot of time and effort though. A new player could very well make all of this stuff over time. They could easily make a good bit of coin from the current request baskets out there, the problem for a new player is knowing what the heck a request basket is, how to find them and how they work.

On top of all that, knowing how to craft something and what materials are needed and so on. Go make an alt and go through the Boundless progression again and you’ll see what I mean. Put yourself in the mindset of a new player and consider they don’t have any knowledge of the game, and you’ll see that it isn’t really so much the economy.

The one thing I will say about the economy is, while things are more expensive, the request baskets are also giving more money if you sell to them.

I will say I do worry a little bit that when many veteran players quit much of their coin and items tend to be wasted and completely removed from the economy, which is good and bad. But in the end, a player doesn’t have to rely on the economy at all and can craft and gather and build/craft everything themeselves, the economy is really only a time saver.


I agree with what you said, there’s nothing in the game that clearly states what a new player should do and I’ll add something I said in your last stream, I know I’m not going to make any friends by saying this but, it’s the same for the code of conduct to follow in Boundless, to be short “The Rules”.

How can a new player know how to behave if the rules aren’t present in the game? The game doesn’t invite you to go and read the rules on the Forum to accept/reject the rules of the game like in most MMOs, and that’s a real problem too.

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I agree, there is very little in-game direction for new players. There is a bright side to not having any significant updates in years tho: 99% of old YT videos, Forum posts, etc are still valid to this day. Jiivita comes to mind, but of course Ovis and many others have MANY videos going over different systems and game mechanics. I’ve never had a question regarding those things that wasn’t answered with a little digging…


I’ve been told by a couple that they didn’t know there was more than one planet or that they could go to a different planet.


I did some cool tests with friends and family with them trying out the game with zero direction.

It was interesting. All of them didn’t know there were other players, thought the planets were just visuals and several other things like they didn’t understand exactly what they should be doing or what the goals might be.


It’s funny… I still have my very first boundless video when I first started… Yeah I sound dumb when you listen to me :joy: and I know in my original videos of boundless I know one of them I did say that… “I wonder if you can go to the other worlds.” Lol




I agree. This is just pure speculation, but I think they wanted the engine. They are probably willing to leave the lights on as long as it doesn’t cost any additional money to do so.

That is not a terrible thing. Could be worse.

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I think they’re letting that engine break down to see what happens. It would explain all the problems players have been having lately…

from what i remember…
i started game right sfter advanced coils were implemented, they costed 10000 coins at start, than slowly lowering down to 5000 and stay there abit, after more players started mining for profit or for starting coils factory adv coils went down to around 2500,
i remember Coils King selling them on weekly basis and i made millions of coins selling Him ores and gems :slight_smile:
im not a hardcore player, im not a grinder im rather playing casually, never had problems with getting coins, mining is still profitable, there is always that one person buying all iron ores and gems :slight_smile:

that remind me, time to buy coils for my factory :smiley: 900 adv workbench coils should suffice :smiley:


I’m a casual player as well. I used to grind in other games and now it bores me. So when I get frustrated by crafting times, I just remember that I can wait.

And I remember at the height of low prices, advanced coils going for 800-900 coins.

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The future of this game is I’m going to still play it :rocket:


yes, they was around 900 coins i think 2 years ago?
i remember Nexus place i bought bunch of my adv coils for around 900-1000 coins there


Did you’ll see the post about getting a new community manager?