The great importance of music!

it was a joke mate XD

no matter how many good intentions you have i imagine some people would abuse it.

again i am just more for the team making an epic soundtrack, and if you dont like it then you turn down the music and use spotify. that is basically what i do.

Jep, I’ve done it with winamp or foobar, but having still a dynamic switching between the tracks would be just WONDERFULL! ^^

Shadow of the Colossus had pretty great sound design – it was, for the most part, silent. There was no “general exploration” music; instead you listened to the clopping of your horse’s hooves on dirt, the rustling of the wind, the occasional bird call, and the breathing of your avatar as he struggled to jump and climb over obstacles.

It made for a very sparse and beautiful experience.

SotC’s music would play under only a few circumstances:
• Story events, but only the most important ones (story music)
• Entering a boss area (lead-up music)
• When the boss fight begins (battle music)

This isn't a vote against ambient exploring music; just an exploration of how music was applied in another, already-discussed, beautiful game. In Oort it might be like:

• Occasional, quiet, ambient exploration music
• Different sounds for being underground vs above
• Different sounds for day/night
• Lead-up music when near an Oort Temple or Titan (or NO music, to make the hairs raise on the back of your neck a little – “wait, why did it go all quiet…? OH NO RUUUUNNN”
• Epic boss music when Titan aggros


was also mentioned that MC did music that wasnt playing constantly, which i also think is great. i dont think we need music for everything at all times. that might just make the music go stale too fast.

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Completely agree.

yepp, there can be a switch or bar to choose from constant music to a more rare mode. I sometimes love to have music constant and sometimes I switch it to a more rare mode in games where you can do that :wink:

World of Warcraft, especially the Lich King expansion, had a great soundtrack. It was something that made you want to just cruise around an area just to listen to it. Sholazar Basin was my favorite.

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It could be cool if near a titan it could go all quiet and then giant footsteps or something of the like could be heard sort of like in Jurassic Park with the Tyrannosaurus Rex :stuck_out_tongue:


Here is my suggestion for a style of music for combat :wink: …

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I always turn off the music in a game (unless the game is about music). The reasons are several.

  • Real life doesn’t come with a soundtrack. (I’m not one of those that
    supplies one by constantly wearing headphones or earbuds wherever I
  • Music masks out other environmental sounds that it might be
    critical to hear.
  • Most game music loops after a relatively short number of measures,
    and it quickly becomes repetitive.

On this basis I disqualify myself as having anything useful to say about the music; give my apologies in advance to your composer(s) and performers, because I won’t hear much beyond the start-up theme.

As long as there is enough ambient sound and instruments ingame with which we can make our own music I would say no music is needed at all.

For me music only helps immersion in games where some features are missing. Like ambient sounds or a world that looks natural.

For me Music in games is realy important. If the soundtrack is bad I most times even don’t try the game. sure, after months I begin to try to use other tracks from my foobar player, but to play without music is a no-go for me … and instruments would be cool, but would never be an good exchange for real bgm. The Music has not to play all the time (but a switch for chosing how often it plays would be good :wink: )

2 Composers i know of-

Audio Machine-

some music-

Peter Crowly is another

Channel -


There are a lot of great (and not so great) artists on - it’s a good place to discover artists.

For example, Dale North:

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Woah, their music would be a good fit for a game like this. Edit: Might be too epic.

Danny Baranowsky


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top necro so far I’d say - 5 years!! :sunglasses::rofl:

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I know, right? When I saw this thread I HAD to necro it. Especially since it’s cool that James got ideas for the music from us! (well, PC backers)

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Lol ok I didn’t see this when I posted my suggestion, but I think there’s an issue on mobile because it doesn’t seem to let you scroll through similar posts, or I just fail at it