The Kindness of Strangers

On a hunt for a precision chisel I stumbled into the United Nation Fortress on Sorissi which is beautiful by the way.
I waved at a player and they enquired about spooky seeds and I enquired about the chisel. He said follow me I’ll craft you one!
We got to the base and I had to ask the price as I didn’t want them to waste resources only for me to not have the funds. He didn’t know the going rate and just said as its only one and you want it for building your base I’ll give it to you.

I was so amazed by his kindness as most players I see are just running around doing their own thing. It was going to take 10 minutes to craft the chisel so he said follow me I’ll show you my new base.

So off we went on a little trip and I almost drowned getting there as it was under water. We got in and it was truly amazing. He then asked if I had all my machines yet and I told him which ones I do have.

He then gave me all the machines I was missing!

A truly amazing encounter and just wanted to highlight the supportive players here and commend you on helping out the newbies.


Thank you for that heart warming story. A heart to you and positive thoughts to the person who helped you out.



Most players in this game are pretty gracious and kind!




I had long lost hope in online gaming communities until this one and is one of major factors of wanting to stick around. Back in 90s or early 2000s online gamers respected others more and understood we were all humans with our own lives and troubles and played these games as an escape. I had entire families in games like everquest 1 that I was as close to at times as my own real life families and stories like this used to be common place. You occasionally still had a griefer but usually dealt with by the live interactive moderators you used to have back then that you could actually see and interacted with you in times of need. I really miss those days and constantly see new games these days completely ruined by toxicity and lack of support by not only the games staff but community themselves rarely cared enough to stand up to it these days. Seems like if you don’t like harassment your just a snowflake blah blah. No I just want to play and be respected as a human with a life like everyone else.

Which makes me wonder. What is this game doing that is keeping the community so well behaved. Is it smaller population. Is it short chat ranges. Etc. Whatever it is I hope to see it stay and a gradual increase in popularity overtime so that this game becomes a standard of a community done right that future game companies use as a reference on how to ensure their own games don’t fall into the hell that so many are in these days.


I…just vomited a little in my mouth.


The fact you can still come in and whine about a purely positive post is almost surprising… almost.


My post was to highlight a positive thing, I didn’t ask for anything and he had no reason to give it to me other than wanting to be nice.

By giving me those items he saved me time and I’m thankful whether or not you think he helped me or not


He saved you a little bit of time, Machines are cheap to buy. If he was really ‘Helping’ you, he could have given you something useful. Such as Higher End Tools you don’t have access to, to help you with mining, chopping, and shoveling easier in the beginning.

You’re being ridiculous.


No worries I can see you are hard to please
He did give me a titanium precision chisel so basically he did give me something I didn’t have access to craft myself.
Anyways no point saying any more than that


Look, the guy showed a little kindness. He did a GOOD THING! Can’t you just accept that and leave it there?


it’s true. :smile_cat:


This is one post i said no one would be able to hijack but here we are lol


So is that an offer to be a supportive player and give me something useful?
If yes send me your cords and I’ll happy show up and accept your support :grin:


In my eyes it wasn’t kind to just give him the Machines without anything else. To my eyes that’s very cruel. Cause now Envyv77 has access to Recipies he might be tempted to craft, but now forced to grind out new materials for them.

A Hammer for any Minerals or Fossils needed would have been nice too, or a shovel for any soil needed, or an Axe for any wood and plants he now needs to collect to make all those new Recipies.

Either way, I said I didn’t want to expand on what I meant, but you all couldn’t just leave it at that and had to drag it out and make me explain myself. Well I did, are you guys happy about ruining a thread?

Biitula Portal Seeker Hub, what will be your alt’s name? I’ll give you something supportive for free.

I see your point but either way it was a gesture of goodwill so let’s leave it there.
I won’t be tempted to craft things I can’t because I’m trying to build my base before I do anything else.
Each case is individual perhaps you are reading into it too much?
Anyway I will happily show up at your shop and accept your kind support.
I will be either Brucebanner / axeman77 or shoveller77


So what you’re basically saying is, Envyv should have looked a gift horse in the mouth? Jirodyne, you’re starting to kill off whatever faith I had left in the human race.


don’t loose faith my friend some people just like to fling :poop: . good news is you can smell them a mile away.