The Kindness of Strangers

I gave someone a 3x3 diamond hammer with no expectations of anything in return. Although I guess that was a cruel thing to do because they probably got thousands of rocks and gems and then had to figure out what to with it causing them to grind more.


Wise words.


i do that to all my new neigbors at my house makes ya feel good :smiley:
i love if they dont talk i show up at night trow soup on floor and run away hahahaha
you wont belief the times ive see them months later and better equiped then me :smile:
helping me out later on this is only game where ya benefit if ya give stuff away and it just puts a smile on people if they dont think you have a secret mission and are evil genious lool


And why can’t you make titanium tools?

Sorry just curious…

I was running around kada one day and a person was asking for help. I helped for 3 hours showing him how to play. At the end before I left I threw him 10 tools and a gem shovel. He was gonna build a glass house. This is a fun game. I enjoy helping others

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A, I don’t have the resources to Make them. I don’t ever Collect Silver or Gold, I’m too busy mining for Iron in Metal Worlds, or trying my luck at Diamonds every once in a very long while. So I can’t make any alloy.

I also need Enriched Bonding Agent, which is an item I’ll never be able to craft, ever. It needs Glue, which is something I already have a hard time crafting/buying just for Iron Tools, (The one resource I don’t farm myself and instead buy it and request it.), On top of that, now need Fresh and Ancient Vital Essence, and worse than that, Shimmering Orbs, and Spark.

Fresh Vital Essence needs Monster Drops, and I’m not a hunter, I hate combat. It’s why Glue is something I can’t farm, I can’t farm Bones. So collecting a mass amount of Monster Drops? Just for a little bit of Fresh Vital Essence? ESPECIALLY when different parts need different ammount, some need spark and some don’t, and some even need power?! There is no way I’ll ever get Fresh Vital Essence.

As for Ancient Vital Essence, I just looked at my fossil collection. Which I’ve never sold any of, so it’s my entire collection from starting the game to now, through all my hours of mining. And It would net me about 1000 Ancient Vital Essence. Sounds like a lot, right? It’s only enough for 2 Mass Crafts of Enriched Bonding Agent, which needs 360 of the stuff each. And that’s IF I can get the other ingrediants too, which I can’t.

Shimmering Orbs. I’ve read so much about these things. Rare T5+ resources, that are super rare to drop, required in all the End Game recipies, can’t be collected by mining for Diamonds, on top of that since it’s used in everything for high tier items, and so low drop rate, the prices for just 1 is very very high. I can barely afford Glue, No way in hell I can afford 36 Shimmering Orbs from the few people that do sell them, per Mass Craft.

Then there is the Spark, Element in most of these Recipies, and in the Titanium Tool crafting itself. I don’t ‘Mine’ for Peat, and no one sells Peat, and using Peat just feel fundamentally wrong for Smelting and Sparking. Instead I use Coal, which I don’t have the Power needed to Compact, nor the ammount to compact them anyways, and unless I go specifically to a Coal World, and waste a powerful 3x3 Hammer farming just for Coal, no way I’ll have enough to fuel both Smelting, and the Spark Elements.

Right now, Iron is just so much easy for me to farm the Iron Ore, bits of Coal along side to smelt it all, hatingly running around collecting wood, found a place where I can collect hundreds of Fiberish Leaves, (Enough where I’ve got exactly 1600 Sackcloth I’ll be using soon), on top of buying Glue when I can afford it from my sales to keep restocking my shop.

What level are you Jiro?

Edit: I ask because my wife and I go to a t6 world, ever since mid 20s, dig down almost immediately, and mine for silver, gold, titanium, fossils, iron, etc and have no problems.

My Miner is lvl 28, all his skills are in Strength, Dmg Epic, Luck, and Hammer Skills, a few skills in Defence to survive in my home Metal Planet, which spawns a lot of mobs to attack me in my home all the time lol, Durability Epic, 5 points to increase all other attributes by 2 each, and 3 points in control cause I learned the hard way, you don’t want to be right up to a wall and hit it with Lava right on the other side. And 4 points in Blast Atmo Resis to mine for Diamonds

I got you… I’ll PM you shortly.

Edit: You’re welcome. See… the kindness of strangers can come in all sorts of ways and completely randomly. Wouldn’t you agree? :slight_smile:

I’d like to play devil’s advocate and say that Jirodyne is still a member of our community, and should be treated as such. Even though (s)he might have differing opinions than the majority of us, we shouldn’t all be ganging up on him/her and publically complaining about his/her negativity. The public forums aren’t a great place to argue, especially not like this. This thread has felt like it’s walking the line of bullying, and it doesn’t sit well with me. Nobody is being straight-up horrible to this player thankfully, but there are kinder ways to go about a conversation, even if you vehemently disagree with another player. (S)he is just as welcome to his/her opinion as the rest of us.


I was just thinking of that bullying concept earlier. Thank you for bringing it up, because I would not have been able to word it so well.
It takes courage to bring up valid points no one else will, and in the face of so many people who are more willing to bare fangs instead of an open mind.
Many points I actually agree on. Some I don’t. Some I would like to agree on.
I think it’s the way it’s delivered people have a problem with, and rather than step back and think on it, they jump straight into a retort.

My husband and I are actually having a lot of trouble getting past the iron wall working TOGETHER. Not everyone works in teams or even groups, so hearing from someone trying to self sustain solo can be very enlightening and something people should take into consideration.
If this is a game you can choose any profession and succeed, then what are we doing wrong?

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Shimmering orbs arnt rare I have over 400 just hunting mushrooms. Put one in an atlas and u will see them everywhere. Just spend a little time and but an atlas fully explored they go around 500c. Dont say u Cant. You can do it just takes patience. Bones and sap to make glue. Go chop trees. Glue is very easy go dark on kada 1 trees and mons dis fast with little effort. If u need help or wanna join me on my mining runs let me know. Names esper I’m on alot. On a lvl 5 planets though

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I understand where you’re coming from. :slight_smile: The delivery definitely isn’t always great, but it just bothers me how immediately hostile some people get over some players here. We’re all people, even though we’re anonymous behind a screen. Everyone has a completely unique perspective on life, and some people just see the world differently, even in ways such as players helping each other, and how they go about doing so.

The good thing about the “Iron Wall” is the developers seem to be working hard on changing the progression a bit and making it much more fluid so people don’t get stuck behind ANY sort of wall. I can’t wait to see what they come up with. I’ve been playing solo from the beginning with minor trades here and there, and I personally haven’t had much issue with progression. But I’ve also been here since the VERY beginning in mid 2015, so I’ve grown with the game for a long time.


That’s how we have always played this game, long before settlement, prestige and CoC.

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Here. I’m just going to leave this little video here about an Experiment on a small scale. Watch this, and tell me what you learn.

I’m not trolling, or being a jerk. Just read what I said in that post you quoted, instead of just the first paragraph, then look at this video with an experiment about having no rules or mechanics preventing griefing. Then tell me with a straight face, that I don’t know anything, that I am wrong, and I will admit to being wrong and that people are naturally nice without any motivation to be nice, and that no one ever griefs or are jerks.

If you mine for titanium you will automatically find a heck of a lot of iron as well and depending on the location and planet silver and/or gold as well.
You have quite a few diamonds for sale I saw, 158 IIRC, so there is no real need to “try your luck at diamonds” since you have plenty of them. Your workbench also seemed to have power coils so technically you could make titanium tools.

My first titanium was found on Serpesarindi, together with lots of silver or gold, enough to start making my own titanium tools. Before that I had to buy silver, gold, titanium, tools, etc.

You don’t like to shoot, ok, I suppose that you’re not the only one out there but that doesn’t mean you need to be buying glue. Why not buy bones?
Am assuming you do use wood and cut trees so you have sap, why not strike a deal with someone who is always swimming ion bones and needs to go out specifically for wood in order to get sap? That would be a win-win for the both of you. That person could be me…

Ancient Vital Essence, you’re already assuming the amount you find will stay the same, it won’t, once you get the better tools and go mine at higher tier planets more often you wll get more and more of that stuff, trust me, right now I have more than I use at the moment. Just take it a step at a time, I didn’t do mass crafts of things I didn’t have plenty of even tho I hate to not do mass crafts.

Shimmering orbs, yes, they are a pain, but find a good Growth field on Delta Cancret (I can hook you up with a location or 2, get/buy/forge some regen bombs and go nuts on them until you have enough for a few crafts. I forge, craft my own tools, I brew and make food items, all need shimmering orbs. Yes, at times I don’t want to go out to get them yet again but it’s not daily anymore. I get around 72 to 100 and then for a few days I’m good to go.

And as for affording things, if you sell those diamonds to other shops at 500c a pop you would have 79k and you’re not just selling diamonds I saw :wink:
Heck you could even have sold them for 600c but you didn’t want to visit that shop ever :stuck_out_tongue:

Then the coal, use Jen’s fuel exchange on Lamblis, she gives a very good rate on regular coal, gives a 1 to 10 ratio I believe back in compacted coal. Besides, I didn’t start using compacted until way late (like a week ago), so why the need to go compacted straight away?

Also, again, you have 158 diamonds, some people have standing offers to exchange them for refined ones (DK for example does…), you could also invest into buying a gem Block Changing chisel and turn compacted diamonds into rubies and get your compactor some power coils that way.
Or, a novel idea, ask someone with such a chisel to do it for you, again, you could ask me to it, done in a jiffy without much cost to me (slight durability).

All in all I have this sinking feeling you are always, or at least currently in a mood that makes you seem like a “glass is half full” person and only seeing current problems and problems ahead without trying to creatively get around those issues…

And, again, am willing to help you out in any way I can if you can get over the feeling of visiting a shop you vowed to never go to :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Jiro has 158 Diamonds?

You’re such a troll Jiro!! LOL Geez o man! Lol

You can easily afford or have the means to get whatever you want. You already have some power coils? Get the heck outta here!! Lol

Wanna trade diamonds for silver or gold?

Man… and for a second I felt bad for you. Lol

I literally just got 154, now it’s 230ish I think. Let me check… 282 Rough Diamonds now, just last night and yesterday afternoon.

All thanks to 2 weeks of saving up Footfall, and having a shop for a week, that I saved up 22k coins and was able to buy a 3x3 Emerald Hammer for my Miner to use, which for him can 1 hit blocks in T5 Serp. The hammer is now almost completely broken after 4 Persistance Loafs and Durability Epic length, but got 282 Rough Diamonds, 0 Silver, 40 Gold, and 102 Titanium. Thankfully with some Iron too, but not as much as I was hoping for, only 912.

Either way tho, I have a bunch of Diamonds I can’t use, Krafters only buys 9 at a time so not selling to them, so just stuck them in my shop to sell. Maybe they will sell, most likely they won’t. So even if I have ‘Value’ in terms of objects, that A, doesn’t pay for a new 3x3 Hammer, and B, was such as waste of time, I’m just going to buy a cheaper 3x3 hammer next time and just mine in my backyard on this Metal World for Iron instead. I was hoping for a lot of iron, not so little.

Also C, I have 4,747c total across all my alts, which is split with 2,000 in my Request Basket for Rough Oort, and 2,747c in my request basket for Glue.

Basically: I mined for a bit with an Emerald 3x3 Hammer, got a little Iron, and got a bunch of stuff I can’t use nor really sell well, and went from 22k coins to 4k coins as a result. I didn’t progress at all, in fact I regressed, cause I should have used that 22k buying iron and glue instead.

The only one who is driving most player away is u and ur false accusations about grind. This is not minecraft creative mode: if u want to build something, u grind the material first. Thats how this game is built and u being to slow or barriered inside ur head for gettin stuff easy and fast doesnt mean the grind is bad in this game or at all.

are u actually calculating the 282 diamonds and 100 titanium in when u wrote this??? u can build 3 of those hammers from them



No, @Shadesmar, I ‘Can’t’ make 3 of those hammers from them. Cause I don’t have any of the other materials. Meanwhile with Iron, I am making more tools. Or well I’m not, waiting to collect all the resources to do all the mass crafting at once, but I’m going to be doing that soonish.

But 282 Diamonds and 268* Total Titanium, from the 2 mining trips I took, to me have no value, no use. I can’t turn them into tools, I can only sell them. And judging from how often someone buys something from my shop, that’s going to take a few months. So like I said, I have ‘Value’ in blocks, but I can’t just, say, go sell them instantly to an NPC. Krafter’s ran out of money for Rough Diamonds, and I don’t know of any other shop buying Rough Diamonds. Titanium I might find a request basket for, but doubt they buying for a very high price. Heck, even Krafters is buying Diamonds at 500c, but selling them at 750c each. Which is why I undercut their prices, hoping for sales. Doesn’t work tho.

shrugs So in the end, I get nothing. Maybe a month or two from now when they slowly get sold, I’ll gain some coin from them, but for right this very moment? They hold no value or use. Unless you’re going to come by and buy them all from my shop stand?