The Kindness of Strangers

We should do an Oeaster Oegg Hunt

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Yes yes yesā€¦letā€™s plan this and make it happen for Easter weekend

Ok ill make up 100 titanium hammersā€¦

Hmm, now this gives me some ideas. I like to give stuff away as much as possible - Iā€™ve hidden a few giveaway plinths to help a regular customer, but it could be fun to make a game of it for othersā€¦ I want to build a labyrinth with hidden goodies, but that is a large WIP. Could be fun to just randomly hide stuff and see what gets found, something to think about.

Anyways, this is a really great community, had all sorts of offers of help on various stuff, and never any troubles. :slight_smile: So it is good to pay it forward!


I agree! Its me favorite part! You want to help with the Oeaster Oegg hunt?

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If thereā€™s a lot of people that want to do it, maybe having an Oeaster Oegg Hunt across different planets could be fun!

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Sounds good, Iā€™ll be out of town for five days around Easter weekend, I think Iā€™ll just make a few Oeaster Egg plinths with congrats signs and stick them around my place soon anyways! :slight_smile:

Edit: I scattered nine plinths with a handful of free gems on each (best I could get to eggs!) with a sign above each saying ā€œCongrats! Oeaster Egg Basketā€ Might just leave them even if not found, at least the ones not in way of construction, might have some still next year, haha.


I didnā€™t see this beforeā€¦ are they still there!?

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All got found! :open_mouth: Six went at once, then the last three went at one timeā€¦ whoever got those last ones, nice work, haha! I thought I was pretty clever with a couple of them, but to no avail! :wink:

Iā€™ll have to do that again sometime, maybe a Halloween hunt or something. Iā€™m expanding so next time wonā€™t be so easyā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


That is really cool! I think most people in the game are kind, but every once in a while a star shines brighter than the rest!


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I totally agree with this discussionā€¦I just loved it. Truly nowadays when you google your any issue say router login problem and get your problem resolved with the help of guide, Itā€™s ultimately the stranger who helped you out.

Kindness of a stranger indeed.
So I havenā€™t been on boundless in a while and today I decided to pop back on to check up and top up my Beacon fuel. I spawned in and then fell down a hole close to my base that I had dug long ago. I get out my shovel to break some soil to find I didnā€™t have permission in this beacon. Ah rats I did it didnā€™t I? Someone has taken over my plots. But hang on all my stuff is where I left it, nothing has been taken.
I contacted the player through what was my post box but now his. About 30 to 40 mins later he responded and then deplotted all plots on the beacons. I had 4 beacons that had ran out and he saved them for me. Thank you for the kindness of a stranger.


Love it thanks for sharing! Stories like this is why I started this thread

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