The problem with Storage Blocks

Hey there!

So, I have this small issue with Storage Blocks:

  1. They are a little bit expensive (my opinion)
  2. It’s no use making them if I can just use Crafting Tables to hold my items

Let me explain…

A Storage Block has 4 slots where you can put your items in, while the Crafting Table has double the amount of slots the Storage Block has. Not only that, Crafting Tables are way cheaper to make than Storage Blocks.

So can someone explain to me why I should use the Storage Block instead of the Crafting Tables?


I use both. At first shelvs are exspensive to make but as you progress threw the game they become quite cheep.
I feel the aesthetic of your build is greatly enhanced with stocked shelvs. Espeshaly now with the lack of furniture and decorations but I have no doubt those will be addes later.


But it’s far more efficient to use Crafting Tables.When I build, I really care about how my build looks. But I think I’d rather use Crafting Tables than Storage Blocks in my house this time.


I think the added benefit is the visual reference so you can see where you’ve actually stored things… it’s easier to find things when you can see them on the shelf, as opposed to opening up half a dozen tables thinking “where did I leave X item?”

For me, the earlier game was made a lot easier by using the crafting tables (or even any of the other machines) for storage, but now that I have multiple resources in abundance, I don’t want to have a room tucked away somewhere with a couple dozen tables in there. I want to be able to see my resources and access easily.

Just as an end note, I still use the machines for a great deal of my storage needs, but it’s mainly for items that I use a lot of for making tools or other frequent consumable items.