The problem with the nerf train

I think the challenge is those in both camps - looking at only the positive or negative really need to shift their views toward something that is better aligned to helping the game.

For me there is no issue with looking at the negative as long as how it is negative is really communicated in a way that the developers can consume and understand where the change might cause issues.

For me there is no issue with looking at the positive but then you lose touch with the real challenges in the game and it helps create only a select group of “fans” that play the game and we lose the larger player base ability.

We really need a balance to more patience and better explanations from the players to the developers along with them having more transparency and process in how they change the game.


The recent balancing patches have changed things to where many players feel they have been put back a few steps. I have to say I am quite happy that there were balance changes in this last patch… Mainly because that means the next one is almost certainly going to be a content patch!!

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True, but in games that allow that, the core concept of each class is the same. Each has a different role maybe, Tank, DPS, or Healing. But all of them are all about combat only, and nothing else. So no matter where you put your skill points in those games, you’re just becoming better at combat over time, in your own way.

But in Boundless, it isn’t the same. Mining skills, aren’t the same as Crafting skills, which aren’t the same as the shop owning and building skills, which isn’t the same as the foilaging skills which isn’t the same as portal owning skills and so on.

Which is the biggest problem holding the game down because of it’s skill point freedom. That it’s too much freedom and many mistakes are going to happen, as people try to dabble into everything isntead of specalizing. Because even tho the game allows freedom of spending skill points, it punishes you and doesn’t support that kinda playstyle.

Making Specalized classes out right, cuts out all the issues presented all together. And solves a lot more as well.

Pretty much my thoughts at this point. This has been hashed out to death. If the devs don’t know how we feel by now they are not going to. (I’m sure they do…I hope they do)

So bring on content! Halloween themed goodies!!! (just a guess from hints)

Nerfs need to happen somtimes and all MMOs nerf things. None of these nerfs are game breaking… Forged items and highly decorative blocks are luxury items and players can function on the current highest level content without them. The game has only been out a month now and we should expect sone balance patches. I do not think people are leaving in droves over Spitter Eyes and Wax…


the issue is the dev’s have realised they need to slow down the game progression. the problem is all the mid - high tier players that are already established are the least affected while new to low tier players (pre power) are the ones that feel the affects the most. This has made the game feel nothing but a grind and to much work to the new to low tier while the mid to high tier don’t see what the issue is. If they say wiped the servers and started again can you imagine how many more people would be up in arms about these nerfs um sorry balances fixes. The balancing over all to some point is required, unfortunately it is the newer and lower tier players being hurt the most. Adding more ingredients and power to low tier items is not quality of life. Adding an extra ingredient to make things harder is not quality of life.


new players arent affected by anything except the bomb nerf and this was a very good change. There is much to do in the game, especially early and mid game and if u dont see all the possibilities, its because u didnt try to explore them.

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Why on Earth would you need 9 characters? 1 can do all crafting and forging except having to choose between lvl 5 food and lvl 5 brews. Then even if you have a separate miner, gatherer, and hunter which really isn’t necessary, you end up with 4.

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i dont think he meant this seriously. people who can only express themselves with cynicism disgust me

This. This mindset right here, is what is killing the community and the game in general, and is what’s causing so much conflict.

The game is BOUNDLESS, it’s FREEDOM, to CHOOSE to be what you want to be. It even asks in the promotional videos, Are you going to be a gatherer? A Crafter? Or a Hunter? Maybe even a Shop Owner?

It asks you to play YOUR way of playing. But then when people get frustrated because they can’t. A hunter can’t just kill enemies, a Miner can’t just mine, a Crafter can’t just focus on making items, a shop owner can’t just focus on selling items, and so on. THIS is the exuse everyone comes up with.

Aka, Go do something else. Play a different way. Find something else to do in the game instead. Stop playing the game the way you want to play, play it how ‘Shadesmar and others’ play the game.

^ This line of thinking is toxic to a Sandbox game, a game promoting the freedom to play how you want. The solution to most problems in the game, is generally ‘Create an Alt and do it yourself’.

This is why I keep bringing up that the game should just force people into Classes and take away freedom, cause it would solve a lot of issues like this. There would be no more confusion, no more whining about not wanting an alt and just want everyone on 1 character, because you’d actually NEED an alt to do the other activities.

The problem with the game is that it wants the building sandbox game of Minecraft, but with the skills and restricts of an Combat only focused RPG without classes. Clearly, it is not working for most players.

lol that from all people u start speaking of toxic…

ur way of playing the game seems to contain only banging ur head against an imaginary wall. The promotional vid was right: u can be everything and even more. Thats was also what i suggested: when u dont have fun mining for gems u can build, start a new character, hunt, gather plants, shovel, cut wood, talk with other players, explore worlds, whatever.

the game never took anyones freedom or forced u to do anything and if u not stop spilling those unfounded accusations and lies this wont end well. u dont need any alt. this is purely optional but can enhance your gameplay so i wont stop suggesting this to new players who feel they got stuck somewhere with an unfortunate skill build that doesnt support what they are actually doing.

It is actually the Jiro way u are promoting: banging ur head agains a wall until u feel different and then complain in forum about the pain
edit: forget that… u never promoted any way, just complained

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You proved my point in your own post, and didn’t seem to notice it.

That isn’t what the game was promoting. It was promoting that if you wanted to be a miner, you can and have fun doing it. If you wanted to be a builder, you can just go out and do it. If you just wanted to hunt monsters, but you can and do it.

But look at what you just said.

Instead of seeing an issue with a playstyle, that it no longer becomes fun and instead a secondary job, instead of trying to find a solution, you ignore it.

You tell people to make a new character, to do something else, to stop playing how they want to play.

Some people only want to mine. They don’t want to gather plants, they don’t want to shoven, they don’t want to cut wood, they just want to mine. Others just want to build, and others just want to cut wood and not mine, and so on.

THAT is what the game was promoting in it’s videos.

But while it’s fun at first, it very quickly turns into a job. People can’t start the game, and just become a crafter. They have to Mine, Gather, and do quests to get money to buy the resources needed to craft, then make a shop to sell what they crafted to make money to keep doing it.

People that just mine, have to keep mining more and more and more for more money to afford more advance tools just to break enough blocks to turn into money to keep buying tools over and over.

And instead of making Mining more rewarding, or crafting more rewarding, or any activity. You tell people to suck it up and do something else. To make a new alt and do a different activity.

Funny how you laugh at

Yet, I’m seeing problems and trying to fix them, even in flawed ways. You just don’t care, ignore the issues and the people bringing them up, and tell people if they don’t like it, do something else instead. I’m trying to help, and I’m the bad person here? lol


Incremental improvements, maybe. you would get a new spell every lvl. But content… not really. There was always a “Best grind spot for leveling 20-25, 25-30” and so on. Like, no one hunted spiders, cause they poison you… and that sucked! so basically, i wouldnt call the spiders content, if no one actually did anything with them. and that was repeated all the way until max level. “Oh, look at those pretty elementals… im not fighting them, cause they burn you, but there they are! Ok, back to farming Unicorns!”

When you stop and look at it, 95% of any MMO is filler, and 100% is a grind

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i have fun mining and i said this several times. It looks like u are ignoring the reality: u come into this forum constantly complaining about everything in the game. literally everything. everything is flawed and bad and grindy and maybe thats just the way u see it.
But when i try to show u ways different of what u have tried until now, u accuse me of forcing u in some way. When i show u that there is something else in the game other than ur narrow blinker reveal, u accuse me of ignoring ur problem.
When u only want to mine then go and mine… what the ■■■■ is keeping u here? no u dont want to mine, u want to throw stupid accusations around and complain that u cant get what u want.

and the most hypocritical thing ive encountered for a while:

since when are u trying to help anyone? did u have any good advice to offer, to anyone here? did u contribute with ur knowledge in any way?

i dont ignore issues, i talk with anyone here who have issues and try to go to the bottom of those offering my help, assistance and knowledge. stop playing the victim jiro, that role doesnt suit u