Things to do before the new update is pushed live

Continuing the discussion from Testing 161: Statributes, Objectives, Settlements, Prestige!:

They will most likely do the same with the live version also. All coin and plots stay though.


It sure doesnt make sense not to reset. All the new feats need serious testing and there were only a few of us on testing server doing it extensively enough.

I have a lot of builds to lose myself. 120+ plots, all equipment and material in stores, including shards and 3 portals built. However, itā€™s only matter of time to lose all that as 1.0 brings a total wipe and rebuild of worlds anyway. Itā€™s good not to be too attached to your creations. :innocent:

Anyway, its been said the big and most impressive builds are really only going offline rather then to the scrapyard. They might live in the final world (starting 1.0) in this way or another, I am sure of that.

And they will stay in our memories an on the screenshots shared in the forums blah blah blahā€¦ do you know like :joy:


Got a good laugh at that one :joy:

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Itā€™s not about the wipe coming, itā€™s about people trying to achieve things before the servers going offline happens. Thereā€™s many reasons why many people play Boundless.

Actually working on a city together, grants you knowledge of the people around you and how to better do things.

Testing knowledge holds very valuable, but the limited time to play, leads others one way or the other. True enough testing and giving feedback is a priority at this point.

But I believe some of the player creations can very well be used for a trailer coming with the official release.


Hopefully we all get warned soon enough.


I personally would like to see a full wipe for the update. At least for exp and skill. Iā€™ll probably get rid of my builds and start from scratch even if they donā€™t reset plots. I want to get a good feel for the new version from the beginning.


If the game is even semi close to being released as 1.0 then Iā€™d prefer to start from scratch when itā€™s released, but if itā€™s still going to be a while then I would be ok with a full wipe with the next big live update. Also, how cool would it be to have one of your creations in the official ad? Unfortunately mine wouldnā€™t make it sense I do graphic art, but I would imagine many of the rest of yours are more than amazing enough to make it to a commercial. If I saw the things you guys have built in a commercial I wouldā€™ve totally bought the game.


Also, I bet tool prices are gonna go up after the update goes live since nobody will be able to mass craft as easily which means thereā€™s gonna be more single crafting which means thereā€™s going to be more resoureses consumed. It only makes sense then that prices would go up.


coins wont be as hard to accumulate in the new update tho, so if the prices goes up a little it wont really be as complicated