Thoughts on Local Universes

Possibly this thread?

Just out of interest which menu screens were you talking about?

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Exactly my point here … might as well just play in creative at this point. 5 minutes for goo to grow full …sigh.

In the debug menu, settings folder. Many have sliders that can be adjusted but some of them are just blank windows. Currently not in game but will grab a screenshot after I eat lunch.

In this area of debug

Many of them have sliders, like the ForgeSettings for example

But many of them are just blank windows, DoorSettings is one of them thats empty but there are several others.


The thread that @willcrutchley posted is the one I was thinking of, and looking through it and digging in the game folders, I think those adjustments may be made in the crops.msgpack file which may make it more difficult to adjust since they are packed. Looking inside them it also appears that each crop has a separate growth timer “matureTime”.

I think it’s probably a good thing, even though I’ll be sticking to the MMO universe.

Personally, I play almost exclusively on PlayStation and I’m not interested in a local universe. If I wanted to have a focused place to play with friends I could just use a private planet. But I’m happy playing within the universe, I like encountering people.

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You don’t have to make those changes though. It can be left as-is … or even made more challenging if you really wanted to.


Just tested this out myself, and it is quite fast. It does go through “steps” though so its just the time between steps that is significantly reduced it seems. I am wondering if they set it that way for testing purposes and when this goes live if they will have it back to the default of the live universe and then you have to adjust it.


:rofl: Ohh Aenea…


I believe that video was from actually the prior “creative planets” when it was a local server. If I remember the discussions correctly those JSON files can be edited but they’re server side effects so it will mostly just mess with the client (create sync errors with the server).

I know that the kindling was done with a lua script, as well as a couple of other things. there’s also a vid of removing the delay on returning to sanctum.


If you have a local server, when you edit those it affects the local server so no issues from the few tests I have done.


Seeing this makes me miss @AeneaGames :sob:

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Ah gotcha.

Should be a correspondence between each of these and the files in assets/archetypes, so I guess maybe non-numerical config stuff can only be edited in the files themselves :man_shrugging:

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I could, but prefer things as they were intended and in the MMO universe which is what brought and kept me here.

Well, I think I found the crop speed adjustment quite by accident, and it appears that is probably just set like that for testing purposes. If you have the urge to put it back, changing the CropFastForward from 200 (that’s what it was when I opened the config.json file at the below location) to 0 appears to return it to normal.


Edit: it might also be located here
