Thoughts on the impact of a creative ecosystem

Luca, since Creative is different from the rest, is it possible to add a portal just for Creative?
Make the portal a fixed size & it should match the golden Creative mode UI.

Buy a creative planet > get unlimited plots + free portal(pair…one entrance, one exit) that can be placed anywhere in the Universe.
It doesn’t need fuel or a token. You could recall it back anytime from your Creative mode control beacon.


I’m guessing this is only to make it clear that you are going to creative right?

Cause that doesn’t fixes the oort free network problem

If devs or some one in the comunity finds a way to let both things exist together I think that would make a great difference between other games.


Yes, I think it needs to be obvious to everyone that the portal goes to a Creative world - so ppl aren’t shocked when their inventory is gone/switched & they have no coin.

You only get one portal, so how would this cause problems? If everyone decides to put their portal in one area, that’s their choice :woman_shrugging:

It does create a streamlined way for any creative to survival portal to return you to the last spot you were at in the respective universe.

One of the (possibly technical) objections Luca has raised to this mechanic in another thread is that it’s not reasonable to enter, for instance, a 2x2 portal on the creative side, and find yourself back at the 3x5 or 1x2 portal that you had originally used to leave survival.

Having a singular format for survival to creative portals would allow a mechanism similar to that offered by a separate set of warp blocks in the sanctum. But it would allow skipping any transition through a trip to the sanctum, or the dream realm, or whatever.

I like the notion that if it’s in a fixed format, it could also be something not easily compared to a set of portal conduits, like the circular portal in @majorvex’s concept art.

If the networking problem is addressed by having an automatic return to your point of entry, there is no reason to limit the number of portals. With the setup proposed there they could return to the “unlimited free portals” they teased earlier.

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The Stargate like (circular) portal please!


I was gonna say NMS

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I love the round/circle portal. A fixed size (3x3x1)

Love the series


Where do you think NMS got the idea from? :slight_smile:

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So this is No Man’s Stargate?

Honestly though we could even have plain, stylish and ornate versions craftable with various materials on the survival side so that you could, you know, get creative with your creative portals.

This seems like a promising idea.

Additionally, they could be activated with a different mechanism, enabling something that people have been asking for in the survival game for some time, which is several “entrances” leading to a single “exit”.

Say you put up a portal on the creative side, and the interface gives you something like a key code. Somebody could set up a creative portal unit on survival and activate it with the given key code.

Then when you enter through the survival side, you exit at the intended portal on the creative side. And when you exit any creative portal, you just come out at whatever survival portal you used to enter the creative universe.

@lucadeltodecso maybe this is something that can help with several facets of the issue?

If they did something similar to, on survival worlds, when you have a portal token in your inventory, there just be a little option, “Copy to Creative” so when you are on the creative world there would be a menu with the portal token copy so you could open between the two

Or vice versa, a creative token copied to survival

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