[Thread] That time I was dumb... Share your silliness!

When I got my first Titanium Hammer. I accidentally dropped it. Another player picked it up and ran off.
Made me so paranoid of dropping stuff that I pried the drop key off the keyboard and left it that way for a week. :rofl:


In the beginning of my journey, I thought a plot had infinite height. I placed 1 layer of plots and built my house, and the next day, my roof was gone :laughing:


I’ve seen many newbies doing this

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I keep doing this at hunts with my bones and meat.

I did that too. Thank goodness I did it with sand, so easily replaced…

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built a whole floor in a 12x18 plot area only to realize it was one block too high. Had to demo it and rebuild.

And this was before I knew about using creep to build floors where orientation matters. If you haven’t tried this trick I highly recommend it.


Oh no that’s never fun lol
One time when I was building my main structure for my workshop, I incorrectly spaced the columns, the machines, the walls, and had to redo all of it XD…

(Noting that trick btw)


That reminds me that one time when I was hunting for two hours and was clearing out my inventory and I accidentally dropped my stack of oort and gems and then several players rushed past me with their loot sticks out…

I quit the game right away and did not touch it until the next day…


Placed request bins for gleambow gleam (first event) 400k in total. I put the color code but then decided I wanted to move the bins and forgot to put the color code back on. Couple days later I noticed someone bought 50 pieces of my perm gleam and sold it back to me for the 400k.


I made a chair and try sit on it


I changed my gold ore request basket from 15 each to 1518 each instead of 18 each. Luckily I realized and nobody sold me any during that one minute interval. Whew!


This one brought a tear to my eye

I once was spamming the masscraft timber button and filled up my crafting table only to find that I had instead made sticks… I haven’t made sticks in over a year.


Hopefully wasn’t a rare color

Let’s see… I do something dumb pretty much daily in Boundless. The latest was forging hammers, I did everything I thought correct but my forges kept coming out weaker compared to other people’s creations. Only after I publicly asked in discord with screenshots was it pointed out to me…

I was forging with my alt, but checking other people’s forges with my main char…

Then the next day I did it again. :joy:


Wait, what? Creep helps with block orientation?


Thinking a trellis block would make for a good lava bridge… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::flushed:


done that sooooo many times,or when you tell yourself i need to bring them walls in 2 rows each side then realise a few hours later it was fine before and now you have to break them 2 walls on each side of the room down again…

for me misclicking a regen bomb and having the wall that was just regenerated throw me off a big ledge lol


Or “doing the math” for how many blocks you need to craft and realizing you need a lot more than that and you are stuck with half a building because you don’t have enough materials to finish it lol.


This thread already made me feel so much better about bombing part of my goo farm recently lol