TNT Megahub Update



Thanks you for having been there all this time.


Sorry to see the Hub go down. Seems like ages ago before the days of player owned planets and heck even T6 planets. Totally understand the work that goes into keeping up such a project and for so many years!!

Thanks for everything you did for Valhalla through the years.

Best regards.


thank you for all that you did for the community. it was a honor to have one of the planet gates.
opening a TNT portal should’ve been an official objective and a Steam achievement


I’ve always loved using the TNT hub, and the game definitely won’t be the same without the portal hub located there. However, I can’t really blame you, as it’s definitely gotta be a huge job to maintain it.

Feels like it has always been a part of the game, and it’s going to be weird to no longer have it for use.


You are right, and I definitely felt like that when portal seekers left, but in the end others, like the fab folk of the Dragon’s World Lair Hub, will help fill the void left by TNT’s departure, become the new norm and our boundless life goes on.


Thank you for the many years of making travel throughout the worlds accessible and easy. The hubs led me to a lot of really great creations by the community. Appreciate all your work!


Just a reminder to everyone - it’s a migration, not a disappearance. There is no void. :wink:

To all in TNT - thank you for all the years of excellent service. :sunglasses:


Some will know this Inside joke. (TNT related)



More room for personal portals! If you are in the back passage we will cover reopening costs in new location.


Amazing ease of access between planets for all these years. Thank you TNT and everyone for helping provide these portals to players.

I am curious, what is the hub system others are currently using? I find myself unable to travel between my home on Mc Rib to Angel, I am unsure where to go stuck in Cardas on my way to TNTMegahub… looking here to forums for an assist with info where I go next to get from Cardas to Angel1?

P.S. I solo play, trying my best to avoid unintentionally upsetting people who misjudge me when I’m trying to save myself from pain.


Dragon’s Hub (see above) is the official replacement for the megahub. There’s also a high tier network available. If you just want to go home, you can always just warp to your home beacon from sanctum :thinking: If you are just looking for the hub location on Cardass it’s:


Thank you so much Grimdian, I can find the hub on Cardas using your information! Much appreciated. Took me a bit of further reading, to figure out there is a Dragon hub alternative, which I havent had on my locations lists… Until now. Super helpful thanks!

Home not destination. I am moving items from my storage on McRib tomy project on Angel1. Mc Rib is home to half of my Oortians. Angel1 home to 4 others.

Carry on fellow Orrtians past and present, I love you all!


the TNT hub was basically moved to Dragon’s location - they pretty much preserved the set up of planetary portals, malls and sovereign connections and the farms access

some planetary hubs changed hands (for example Finata), but all in all it’s all working almost the same


Cardas Hive was offline (I was traveling the Hive from Mc Rib to TNTMegaHub), I was surprised by the sudden change and blocked path to my usual traveling.

I’ve made it to Angel1. I’m good, thank you very much.

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but the planet name is so much less readable


I actually didn’t notice that. Curious now to log in even if just to take a look at that lol.

For projects like this, I just open a portal between destinations and get the stuff moved. Then close it after I’ve done all I need. Have you ever tried this?

I’m not Japanese, reading top-down doesn’t feel natural to me. (And wasn’t the text red a few days ago?)


Maybe not natural but totally possible. Im sure you will adjust.