To those worried/Mad about the game

I think long term potential, both in terms of potential success, and potential problems. You can be fine with said issues cause the community is small. What do you think will happen if game has a surge of hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of players?

What do you think the game would look like if the number of dead, inactive structures doubled, tripled, quadrupled. You said yourself its inevitable and since this is an MMO and things can be fueled automatically and for such long durations, that this is an issue to get fixed a year ago when i brought it up and the game was healthy.

I played on console and quit cause none of the core issues were being worked on. Some of my issues were supposed to be released with the update currently in testing all year. I recently came back to see if the game improved, only to find that it got worse and nothing changed. I will likely replay the game since i lost everything by moving over to pc, but not for long. I got Endwalker in FF14 soon. I can talk about things I love about the game in a separate topic.