To be honest i also think (sorry if i sound like a jerk) we help to much in most cases. To protect the newbies from that famous “wall” some of us took 6 months to pass… (not actually a wall but to fast progressing)…
Just saying in my eyes boundless isn’t dead just to many worlds so the community is spread thin…
Yes, less people play actively and some of the huge projects are abandoned, but that’s something happening no matter how many players are around.
Inactive shops are not an issue as such, cause all players can use in-game shop scanner to be directed to the exact stands that have items they look to buy or sell.
Everyone building and using large cities and malls and hubs know that some of the players involved will turn hot and cold, leaving parts of community projects less active at times; some involved will stop playing; this is the reality of any co-op games - this alone is not an issue at all, it’s just unavoidable fabric of multiplayer gaming;
the only issue is the game not progressing at the moment but the entire point of this topic is to stress the importance of our own influence on how Boundless functions (and it can function in current state and be played and enjoyed no matter whether there are 100 or 500 of us involved actively) and how it is perceived; developers delivered an yet incomplete product, but enough features are completed to make it an enjoyable world to explore and build in, and most of all its us who make the co-op part alive and worth engaging in.
I sure feel disappointed by the fact the game’s development has been put on hold and I had plenty negative thoughts about its possible future.
But here exactly lies my power (and your power): to chose not to fill forums with black scenarios, moaning and complaining, as well as bleak prophecies of the coming end. Instead we can talk about what actually makes us come back and play and encourage new-comers to engage and help them enjoy the game too.
Judging by your lengthy observations on how some player-built places look abandoned and all, I assume you keep logging in and playing.
If so, take a look at how much time you spent talking about what you don’t like, while you haven’t said once why you still play and what brings you back and what in game still works even with the population significantly decreased comparing to the best days.
I think long term potential, both in terms of potential success, and potential problems. You can be fine with said issues cause the community is small. What do you think will happen if game has a surge of hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of players?
What do you think the game would look like if the number of dead, inactive structures doubled, tripled, quadrupled. You said yourself its inevitable and since this is an MMO and things can be fueled automatically and for such long durations, that this is an issue to get fixed a year ago when i brought it up and the game was healthy.
I played on console and quit cause none of the core issues were being worked on. Some of my issues were supposed to be released with the update currently in testing all year. I recently came back to see if the game improved, only to find that it got worse and nothing changed. I will likely replay the game since i lost everything by moving over to pc, but not for long. I got Endwalker in FF14 soon. I can talk about things I love about the game in a separate topic.
why are you so bothered with empty structures?
the fact it’s inevitable to have people come and go, change, build, destroy, re-build, move around etc. doesn’t really make it a problem; players do need tools allowing them to manage things smoothly in case beacons are abandoned in co-op spaces and they need better control over fuelling beacons probably, but none of these so called problems are world-ending
quadrupling the number of players would be very welcome and there is a system in place to add new worlds should that happen; there will always be enough space for all (although occasional clogging would defo happen, should a substantial number of new players join the servers)
we could talk this forever
missing the point again
this topic asked for positivity as a way to help and outbalance the never ending bleak-future end-of-the-world topics that do the game no service
no one here said there are no issues or that the game is perfect, there was only a simple ask to make an effort to se what’s good and show that to potential new players
many things need perfecting and ironing out
many things are good though as well
the balance between these two truth about Boundless (or any game out there actually) can be easily twisted through attitude - your negative outlook makes you see the faults, others positivity might make them write poems about the virtues of Boundless
let’s not go off topic - this thread was not created to discuss game-design issues and possible solutions to them
just as some keep posting how this game is dead, here we have a topic that proposed simple positive approach and see what is good in Boundless
Game is NOT dead because I’m still playing…
you are Da One That Keeps It Alive
The game is not worth 40bucks nowadays but For New player it might be great game… If you are ready to solo a lot of stuff.
. For us Who played the game “To the end” so had Pretty much everything etc. There is not much To do… Sadly. Now that they dont even support the game with any kind of event things… Theres no point Coming back.
Don’t suppose you’re on Zalera?
I wonder about this whole “patiently waiting for the update” thing… what if the servers are shut down tomorrow due to low player count?
I imagine there are hundreds of players that want to keep playing but don’t mind waiting. Will they be upset if they never get to play again? Because that could very easily become the case as more of us decide it’s fine to wait it out.
I’m not mad as I wait for the update. I am still playing and building. But I am WORRIED. We need more active players. Over the last 10 months I’ve been seeing a steady decline in people, both green icons in my city and red icons elsewhere. Over the last month itself- tanking.
We need to give the people on the business end a reason to keep supporting the game because to them it must look like we’re all giving up. We need everyone who loves the game to accept it how it is for the time being but keep playing! Otherwise it’ll be over for all of us.
We would need to group up. Boundless lacks a centralized area for people who are in fact still playing and carrying on shops etc. Its mostly empty and hard to identify the people playing when you happen across their build. Sometimes you can go to a dead city all things considering and theres still a portal or two open, probably fueled by someone just to keep some lights on.
If there was a solid spot that all the Long term players decided to group up to, new players would be met with a player base at least they could see. Yeah, no one wants to lose their hard work. But is there really a point to keep building in our little spots right now?
I started a new character on a new platform this week and ill admit its probably hard for genuine new players. Its a ghost town in most places, and hard to really know if there is somewhere worth building among all the old dead spots. I have been searching for a spot to start anew and i cant really find somewhere that would be worth sinking time into.
Uhm yes i need to finish what I started first and that will take me a bit of time. (More or less because im a network host)…
You have a good point of huddling together maybe a good idea would be to move closer to hubs. That way support hub owners (like me) that buy the oort with FF.
That said it would have to be full time builders that huddle together as others are almost always doing something like hunting, mining, exploring, shopping (selling their stuff to baskets) and on…
But if i am honest still have a lot of work left to do before i can comfortably say sure come build at my place. Depending on what i wanna do ill need to expand out 1-10 more plots around my build. Just for the infrastructure . [have plot protection on just in case but stil
Agreed. IF a bunch grouped up, had a decent direction in mind. Id like to think a Boundless “capital” could be made right? Something that new players could see and say “wow, now thats something i wana be apart of!”
We pretty much had that with Finata Ultima when the game started - it was so much fun. Everyone would go there, meet up, show new ppl around, new ppl would settle nearby, devs showed up sometimes for hunts and things, people built awesome things and there were random stores.
It would be great if we had a T1 planet designated as the universe capital (or something like that). I wish the devs would produce the planet though as I believe plots per player should be limited. Something like 4 to 30. And perhaps perm portals generated by the system that would lead to the capital of each planet, along with 10 random daily portals like Tr***.
That’s when I started playing. Right at Ultima’s height. It was awesome! Honestly it’s what I think would start to heal this game again.
Lets just do this then. Lets all come together and pick a planet and commit to it together. This is a great idea.
If someone can find a spot ill donate anything ive got to the cause. time, mats, you name it.
And obviously participate also
wonder what the best t1 would be right now?
Probably need to make a new thread so we don’t hijack Host’s thread
You can all go to Raxxa. I hear HOST has a nice place there.
I love all feedback and I’m glad people keeping this thread clean in a way. as much as I got to say
it will be a boundless story, thanks to everyone so far with their opinion! it just shows how different each individual is with their own perspective and thoughts about the game, which is good!
but the moral of the thread is to bring back the game as it was without the issues, let me show you another example!
i don’t want to explain nor keep defending all the time
this is all because of rumors being made up while nothing has been made official.
That is indeed the key word. See, the way is how You formulate stuff. You can be honest about the game but the way you advertise something makes the whole difference. What I learned in my marketing kind of traineeship for example, you shouldn’t say, “ah that lotion isn’t bad”. It will make the customer think “alright but it’s not good either” so better say, “that lotion is good” that sounds way more positive. The message is the same, but is received differently by the consumer.
If we keep that fact alone in our head, being honest but not letting negativity drag us down, then we can create and keep a nice and good player base.