To wipe or not to wipe

Just for fun guys, what you would you vote for if you had the option to vote? @james

  • Home Worlds Major Reset = Regen all worlds, plots for clean reset allowing new beginning BUT All home worlds re-spawned with new biomes and added creatures.
  • Home Worlds + Blueprints = Regen all worlds, plots for clean reset allowing new beginning BUT Blueprints added to the game to save builds that contain placed blocks, added feature auto level plotted areas #terraforming.
  • No Wipe = Nothing changes, inactive player beacons remain forever, no opportunity for game improvements apart from updates.

0 voters


I want to vote on this I really do, but I just want a wipe of all inactive beacons that have been empty for over 6 months or some other timeframe.


LOL just vote based on what the options are hahahah bud hahah its all for fun.


Good choice bro :heart: it lol
Maybe they will add a redlotus beast that hides in caves…

I mean Wipe ye.
My ultimate Wipe would be getting back To therka.


Is that one of the original home worlds?

If we had no choice, I am with you on this one.
… but the big question is
… does it still exist :thinking:

I’m literally so tired of this that I refuse to vote in the poll. But the horse is out, it’s still dead, and it looks like it’s about to get a fulllll-onnnnn workover again :smirk:

“Wipe” in the past has always been presented as a particular set of circumstances. I was, will be, am, and still am against this - It’s grating and trollish to even mention it at this point. I’d curse but I’m still pretty sober.

If a complete change in real-world circumstances necessitates a major change in the game, it is technically a new issue and so I thought I was willing to (mostly) just watch you guys beat the poor thing again but this changes things. But not everything.

There is no “wipe” you gleamballs.

If they need to start a new public universe that’s more appropriate to current reality and more geared towards being an intro and support system for the wider community ecosystem, it’s pretty understandable. Having just spent hundreds of hours on a base that isn’t even done I would accept this.

Not a “wipe” especially with pick-and-choose deletion of existing planets.

Take your characters ofc and maybe even your reclaims, who cares. But all restarting and in a new place. To me, that’s not even a “wipe” but i mean, whatever gets the horse around amirite?



I want my 17,000 plots that I bought with real money transferred to Georgio my Remaining 10 years of Gleamclub Refunded and I’m off to Support another Game if a wipe happens on Houchus Boop


Uhmmm no… from day one at release it has been said this wouldn’t happen. I might even consider accepting it if we got “blueprints” but… at this point it’s a long shot and if we even get something like blueprints. (Still waiting on the “news”)


Maybe heritage list the kingdom or mirror it so it becomes the new sanctum lol

All valid points man, just a little fun.
Ive reset multiple times and ashed thousands of plots, which included mega farms, a mall, miles of roads and builds but for some i could imagine its not a fun idea lol.


This is some of what I’m talking about, deleting Cookie Kingdom and leaving Houchus there might actually be a literal crime.

If circumstances caused them to move to something entirely new - well less arguably a direct affront.

I don’t expect there’s any circumstance where they would delete gleam clubbed beacons off of existing planets, and leave them open.


Yeah me too and even recently. That’s pretty different from someone doing it to you, though.

Whatever though, no affront intended, believe me there’s far more sarcasm than anger in that post :rofl:

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Im more in favour of deleting gleam-club beacons that have nothing built on them, but id love to see a whole new set of homeworlds that bring new biomes and creative creatures. LOL but im just dreaming.

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LOL i just love reading peoples responses, its interesting to see what people would do for added content of the idea of a clean slate. :heart: any form of sarcasm LOL its healthy for the soul- keeps us on our feet :wink:

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I say wipe the forums. Esp. of any mention of word wipe.


ok with a T1 and T2 world wipe if it meant a much more stable foundation (eg better plotting rule sets for beginner public worlds etc) on which to build a future for the game.
also, maybe wipe needs a rebrand…

I still cant get over their website that has t been update since 2014 ish lol.


I know right lol