I don’t want to see a wipe of ANY builds unless they are ashed. I would much rather see cleanup of dead beacons with zero on them.
I don’t want to see Cookie Kingdom or HSE or Glitch World or any major build that is currently in use in any way removed. I just want these empty plotted areas that haven’t been touched in years removed. They are pointless BS and just wasted.
To clerify …
If Players got to vote on what was kept as permanent, I’m pretty sure the top pick for -everyone- would be world portal hubs.
There is not going to be any way to please every person 100%. It’s just not possible. But doing something that the entire community can benefit from is just smart business going forward.
Personally my only way of agreeing to any kind of a game wipe is to get rid of the plethora of plotted and unused terrain.
However, there is years long history, some of these builds have been around since the beginning. Some are long gone.
Wipe? Ok, help us keep some of that history with blueprints, or
-something- to preserve what players have done already.
I mean that sounds pretty fun to me lol.
Add in thanos destroyer that fires down hellfire and wipes out massive chunks of player builds but everything it hits turns to Oort….
Yeah I had more than a few conversations on this. We ever were scoping out some ideas. I think had BG3 not happened and things stayed active that by now we might have had a prelim version but oh well. He was certainly interested in the idea even outside of the wipe. And honestly I don’t see any reason beyond a technical “breakage” situation that we will be wiped from the Devs view on things.
If we were doing any world adjustments I’d love to see things where the world changes over time… like lakes that dry up or earthquakes, new mountain ranges, etc… Dynamic environment would be more fun… but I’m like @Apt and very disappointed that 3/4 of the worlds are “simple” and not as cool as ones like Elopor were…
Then somebody is either paying for gleam club (which is supposed to keep your beacons fueled for you in exchange for money), or is manually fueling those areas. So the game mechanics are working as intended…
I get that vast empty space can be annoying and i do wish players didn’t keep large areas reserved for years on end without showing any attempt to use the area, but i also get that maybe they don’t have money for a sov and don’t like neighbors to be too close,
Although i really like it in some spots since if it’s above the ground then surface resources respawn, or some picturesque view is preserved…
There is one next to my “main” build, they are almost the capital on that planet, and even though my build is older they plotted everything to the East of me, for hundreds of plots, 90% is empty, but it’s a giant square, not breaking any rules, and my “protection area” around my plots kept me from being absorbed (both areas predates that system but he did keep 2 plots wide from me as far as i can tell). I’ve thought many times about trying to move because i can’t build in that one direction and there isn’t anything in the direction either. But I’m not upset with the player, or the practice. I wouldn’t want the game to delete empty plots on me either (granted i don’t have any these days).
If that is the case with 90% of all the plots that are empty that I run into I’ll fully support a total planet wipe. Granted this will never happen.
There are builds that I feel well deserve never to be wiped, but I can tell you now there are many people that just claim plots and never do a thing with them and the main reason I even mention this is it has been a complaint from a few new players that at times it’s hard to find a spot to build on… they run into claimed areas that are just vacant that have never been touched.
Silly if you ask me. If a full wipe was an option and it was the only way to remove these dead areas I’m all for it.
But what would prevent the practice from happening again? Should the devs limit how wide/long you can build something? Limit the number of plots on a public world? I mean those can be circumvented, so idk, I’m afraid it won’t go away with a wipe at least not for long
I agree fully here. All I know is that it is an issue. You can search the forums and see the “Looking for
-insert player name-” and 99% of the time it is for a dead plotted area that has been there forever.
There are many ways around this before going with the most extreme option.
Adding a large T0 for each world region for new players to spawn on (& be granted a maximum of 4 to 20 plots to get started with) is one of them.
Adding a few new T1 planets, but setting the plot placement max to a low number for everyone (ie: 4-20 ish).
They could revert back to the beacon-goes-out-you-lose-everything (your builds, your storage, etc). I hope they don’t though because there were numerous bad reviews for it.
Also, if they decide to “remove empty beaconed plots” as you are asking, then people would might be hesitant to keep buying cubits. There would be confusion over why someone can’t now plot a beautiful basket tree or a nice little pond, if they aren’t going to add blocks to it.
There have been numerous solutions suggested as to how to avoid the mall/city plot situation too.
Devs couldn’t have foreseen the way players were going to use the game mechanics to do all the things that have been done. Without adding a solution or incentive for players to do things differently, a fresh new universe would suffer the same fate as before.
i just gonna happen again if you wipe
check out the mall me and wischl build on nia zed ka
its fully preplotted and uses a rent system(free to rent you get the footfall as user) when people disappear the items and coin go into a lost and found basement to reclaim whenever
and plot gets reset
its only solution to a substainable mall butt when we build it not many people where interested butt its still there uses a intricate system of guild books to rent out shops
I like the T0 idea, make use of the larger sov size maybe for them, the plot limitations would prevent older players from wanting to build massive things there, but it being where all the newbies went would help two fold.
One they’d see more players there on promotional sales, and such, making the game feel less empty of players.
Two would give a known place for experienced players to build them little tutorial like teaching builds in such a way they might actually find them and maybe not get too overwhelmed by how deep the game is in some of its systems.
Edit: the only problem i see would be if there was enough influx of players to fill that world concurrently, then you’d need another to spawn, that second one would be slower to get the experienced player help, but maybe that would be ok even then too.
Edit2: (i swear im done with this one lol) since it would basically be framed as a tutorial planet, then even new players could be coerced into moving off once they saw that the rest of the planets you can build much bigger things.