To wipe or not to wipe

@the-moebius Most if not all of the mall solutions are solved by just buying a sovereign and building a mall there.

@majorvex I totally agree there are less, extreme options. I love the idea of a central area for new players, but then we would need the blueprint system or something in case those new players built there and wanted to move to a new planet with the rest of their friends etc.

I think a smarter way to have done most of this was to create a tutorial that placed you in a specific area and the tutorial itself led a new player to a pre-built city that had something like the idea of the Tutorial World where there would be shops and portals to the most common areas etc.

The plotting on a T0 would work, but it still doesnā€™t solve the issue of players plotting 1000s of plots in random areas and doing nothing with them.

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The problem with this as a solution is it limits how many players can concurrently be in your mall to a much lower number than the main worlds.

Otherwise i agree, it solves the abandoned shop issue.

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Correct. Totally forgot about that.

Yeah that small planet can only have 10 people on it at once, the largest is only 40. Granted today thatā€™d be enough, but if we do get some kind of influx of new players your mall wouldnā€™t get to benefit from it as much.

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Yea I know, just mentioned it mainly because to me it is one of the only options for malls these days to really prevent dead shops and griefers.

Maybe the need to introduce sovs with 80 max. Not that I would want to fuel that monster.

also same problem our mall has it be less popular cause people prefer to own the land



Always lurking :yum:


I suppose so, Iā€™ve never had an issue with you guys owning the shop technically speaking, itā€™s actually the only reason there still is a fifland left in boundless, i let the reclaim take the rest

We really do need new terminology for ā€˜wipeā€™ around hereā€¦






Itā€™s crazy what people will pay to do, right?

But itā€™s important to note that they pay to do it :thinking:


Also remember when people placed beacons to save places to warp back to?

Any spot with good resources or beautiful scenery would have tons of beacon controllers with crafting tables all around it :rofl:


I personally like nature building and nature In this gameā€¦ Well on certain planets At least.

Its kinda cool People wanna preserve it but i see it Also as negative as i have come across places Where the whole forest has been plottedā€¦ I guess get itā€¦ But When theres nothing more there and its just ā€œi just plotted it For a project that i might do In some dayā€ā€¦ Thats whats kinda fckd up.


Ive always wanted to do nature builds but i love iron and marble too much ahha.
Agree though plotting massive forests ect is a pain.
One thing ive never tested is if you plot above the ground do meteors and creatures still spawn on the un-plotted ground?

I dont mind plottingā€¦ But When plotting be comes ā€œi preserve 2000 plots of land cause i like natureā€. Or just cause you can. I get itā€¦ We dont like neighbours etc.

But theres fine line between preserving and just plotting cause you can.

Its nowadays rly turnoff For me When i find nice spot just To see that theres 1000 plots placed with ā€œcause i canā€ attitude.

Atm theres no public planets that actually are great looking (greenery etc) that has good amount of building space.

That is why i was forced To do my big tree To sorissi exampleā€¦ Cause of the spaceā€¦ This game doesnt even have many players and that is an issue alrdy! And have been past 2 years At least.

I rly do hope they start checking plot report that we could actually get some free land from those Who are not playing and are breaking the rules.


My whole point to removing dead unused plots.

If you have the plots to do so, plotting a buffer or reserving a space for future building is well within the rights of the ownerā€¦ block placement or not. It might be frustrating to see and I know Iā€™ve come across my fair share of what seems like endlessly plotted spacesā€¦ dead mall spaces etc., but thatā€™s part of the plotting system.

A wipe wouldnā€™t change that; new rules or plot limits would. Not sure about you, but Iā€™d like Boundless to beā€¦ well, more ā€˜boundlessā€™. Unless of course theyā€™re considering a name change. They could just drop the -less bit to make some (un)happy. :joy:

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Maybe Iā€™ll just use the P2W aspect purchase a ton of cubits and buy tons and tons of plots and just plot as much of a planet as I can. Just surround all the major malls and various portal hubs because I want things to be ā€œBoundlessā€ too.

If someone plotted an entire planet which apparently some people always mention some guy who did something similar (Krasniy or something) I am a little unsure how not being able to plot on half a planet due to someone having plotted nearly all of it would be Boundless, but to each their own.


I agree for the most part. Special cases would need some ā€˜policingā€™ for lack of a better term, but even thenā€¦ if you have the plots and compactness is good, I meanā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Hehā€¦ what a name for an online gameā€¦ ā€˜Boundless.ā€™

Sovereigns for the win! (ā€¦but not pay to winā€¦) :crazy_face:

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