Tree contest! First prize 150k, second prize 100k, third prize 50k

So there were a lot of amazing entries, this was tough!

First place goes to georgio for his rainbow lit tree
Second place goes to Aanika for her ghost trees
Third place to saalt for the Duskmoor grove
And 5k to argheneso for making me laugh

Deciding was really hard, thanks everyone for participating!


I think argheneso’s was very creative lol

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Ingenious even rolf

Congrats, winners!! :slight_smile: Everything was great, but have to agree with the first place pick, I love @georgegroeg’s rainbow tree there so much, it is perfect. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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well dang im too late but let me post mine brb


Grats to winners! And thanks to @DKPuncherello for running this…I think you inspired a few oorts to try a tree…maybe peeps could keep posting their tree creations.
Now we just need a new contest for ponds…






Congratulations to all the winners, all very well deserved :grinning::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::palm_tree:

Gratz to top3. Not quite what i wouldve picked.

But :see_no_evil:

Ah. I love the taste of sweet victory in the morning. That and coffee. Sweet sweet coffee! Congrats all. There was definitely some serious competition. And good thing @Buugi wasnt the judge cause I probably wouldn’t have placed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol. @DKPuncherello let me know where I can pick up my winnings. And if the player made forest is still a go. :beers:

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Congratulations! Well deserved!

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almost finished my tree (so many other distractions!)
can climb up through middle and has little temple on top
need to add a bit more foliage and few other things and then done.