Trolls vs Bannable Offense

Initially I wan’t to keep this Hypothetical, but it seems I must speak more directly for those hear to have a clear picture. A friend of mine was IP banned for dropping basic totems in the Tnt MegaHub. There is no rules against this and they have not been contacted by anyone to state why they were banned. No warning, no hey stop that. Nothing, just straight to the ban hammer. The only reason this happened is because of a personal vendetta that other player have against them due to something they did over a year ago when they were brand new to the game and didn’t know that others were trying to save a build. The offense at hand is not a bannable offense and yet he has been IP banned.

None of us here are qualified to make a statement about this, you will need to ask the devs, There may be a chance there was more to the situation then just dropping totems, or maybe he was being extremely disruptive, but anything said by a player about another player in that regards is Conjecture.

Once again you will have to talk to the devs about this.


A video was made of the last set of totems he dropped, circulated, and then spam reported to the devs and so he was banned.

I dont think this is our area to really comment on this, you need to contact the company that dictates the policy if you want a answer on this.

multiple players have already given you examples that basically amount to “if you have to ask it probably isnt okay”, in your example we dont know (and dont want to know) the history between that player and the devs(and we say devs we mean the company)

we the players can not ban another player, we can only report them and let some one determine if that behavior is inappropriate.


There was not, I was there and in call with him. In fact I had joined in on the troll and yet I am not banned. This is why I say it is due to something he did over a year ago when even that it wasn’t bannable but made people salty, that made this an excuse to get him banned.

This would be the place to talk to them though yes?

I would be curious to see this video because I study player behavior as a hobby. Thou I would not be able to give you any real answers.

As you, yourself have stated, this is trending into name and shame and talking about a specific incident and is no longer “hypothetical”

I suggest you contact the company directly


I was kicked from the guild and no longer have access to the video and didn’t feel the need to save it though I’m sure the leaders of Vikings and Brown town have copies of it. :slight_smile:

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I only said specifics due to the drastic difference between what I was talking about and what you for example were throwing out examples for.

You can message them thru the forums, By clicking on the below names.

Or you can try to message them thru Discord

Oort “the James” Arch#8044
Leah Lemoncakes#0720

Or you can Email the company

There is really nothing more any of us can say about this.


Thank you Trudamere :slight_smile:

Moderation action is only discussed with the players there was action taken against. However, if that person would like to appeal any action taken, as per our Code of Conduct,

Hope that information helps :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for the information Leahlemoncakes :slight_smile:

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I like to people watch too. :wink: I pretend im afk irl


Banning a person for dropping some totems would be ridiculous. Unless of course there is more to the story and they were following someone and dropping those totems on them all over again. I was actually one of the people who picked up those unwanted totems when going through one of the portals in TNT. Was I annoyed? Sure I was :slight_smile: We were just going hunting and I needed an empty inventory. Would I want that person to be banned? Absolutely not. It took me 20 seconds to get rid of those totems at some isolated place. And as I said, it is not like they were following and harassing me, it was just one time thing, no big deal.

A few days ago one person asked a bunch of unaware players to go through their portal. We all fell down into lava and died. Was I angry about it? Of course not. I doubt anyone was and I hope no one even thought of reporting that. It was just a prank. And I would like to point out that getting rid of the death penalty takes you more time and effort than emptying your inventory.

I am not going to take sides since I do not know the real reason for the ban. I just really hope all players are treated equally in this game, no matter if they established a popular guild or not.


there we have it folk, a comment from one of the people who experienced the prank first hand. Something harmless though mildly annoying. Thank you for your statement Artemida :slight_smile: it is good to hear from one of those that can say just how minor or severe it was personally. And yes, it is unfortunate but simple for totem dropping totems.

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I think maybe stop scrabbling around to justify what happened, take it like an adult, know not to do it again. Also there’s a video of him doing it so :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s not okay. Let it go.


No idea what happened and I haven’t seen any videos, but if someone keeps totem spamming you in your own base and you tell them to stop I would say that’s reportable.


Closing this as an official response has been given and this is slowly edging towards breaking the CoC