Not sure if these FAQ’s will help in the dispute…
Yes of course, we love to see the creations that our players come up with. Not a day goes by when we don’t have links passed round of your masterpieces from YouTube etc.
Do I have to do anything in particular when I create content?
We only ask that you follow the same Terms of Use that you do in game, we have an inclusive friendly community. If you follow these terms it will allow us to help advertise your content - via social media or the forums.
I’m a content creator on YouTube/Twitch, am I…
Steam Reviews
If you have a positive or negative thing to say about the game, we would like to encourage more people to post a review of Boundless on Steam. The game has changed a lot since a number of reviews were posted, so having more recent reviews will help reflect the current state of the game to interested people.
If you’re a streamer on Twitch, Youtube or any other platform we encourage you to broadcast the game and let us know the link so we can share it on our forums and soc…
Although a deeper search for “copyright” on the forums revealed this…
The copyright is held by our composer Peter Gregson. Is someone attempting to claim it?
… but also this in the same post…
Whilst I’m not an expert, I think the right answer is #5. You have permission from us and Peter to create videos including the music.
Can you share a link to the video?
@james looking at @majorvex 's first image above, you may need to contact Peter again to resolve it as it looks like they are trying to claim his copyright.