Universal Forge Ingredient Apocalypse

Well this is such a juicy post :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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The apocalypse is here. Hoard your creature drops. Raise your prices. It’s the end of the worlds!!!


Thanks, yeah I’m not sure how it should exactly work. But I like the idea of it. I think it might bring more life to central locations where job boards could go up.

It would be hard to do without a system, because it would have to rely on a lot of person trust and integrity for both sides to work.

Also I think it should provide some form of reward beyond what the player provides as the “winnings” because it would have to be more than just a reformed request basket.

I realize it would take a lot of work to implement and would take back seat of course to many other sought after wants from the community.

Just thought it might be a way to bring the community together more, much like musical instruments would.

And pull in people that feed off a mission type of gameplay.

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This is just a normal economy.

You can’t ‘fix’ it. Economies ebb and flow. Demand goes up, prices go up, demand goes down, prices go down. What someone thinks will fix it today, will be what causes it to tank in a month and a new fix will come that spikes the market for another month and then another thing will occur to cause it to tank.

The population is too small to maintain a non volatile market. The only way this equalizes over time is with a much larger player population.

The current volatile economy we have is a direct result of a low player count. Plain and simple.


Wish i could heart 3x

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Do we at least get to choose the order of which world has to go first? I’ve already got a list…

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Xp tie in is an AWESOME idea

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Let me clarify, and yes we are talking concepts not details. I can imagine a way to measure rewarded xp. I also imagine that it cant be crazy or it will become a “cheat”, but it would encourage interaction to have the game reward xp on contracts.

Details: xp is calculated by “block” type and action, so perhaps there is a measurement in there. Or maybe 1 xp per coin transferred or something. There might be an interesting mechanic here if balanced even a little. I doubt this is a small ask, but I suspect most of us aren’t in a super hurry either right.


ok so here is how I power level using this. I take a block that has a large XP per block reward. I get a SS and give it to my alt. My main sets up a contract then the alt immediately deposit the blocks and gets the xp. rinse and repeat. Even if it is tied to coin I can transfer coin between alts pretty easily so I can inflate the xp by rewarding a cheap block for 1 million coin and the xp that comes from it being a 1 million coin reward.

I am not against the idea of contracts, but I think it needs to stay with coin or with a swap of blocks/resources as payment. And the payment needs to come from the player putting the contract out there and not from the game. If the developers want to place contracts that every player can do once, then they can reward xp for it. It is available to every player and cannot be churned.

Is it possible to exclude alts from accepting missions set by same account? So they are account’ level missions?

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I have no idea if it is possible to exclude alts. .

Edit: the only thing I am aware of that is done at the account level is gleam club

Maybe that is something the devs could program to prevent that exploit?

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What if forging more than one tool at a time gave an ingredient cost reduction the way all the other mass crafts do? Would that help with the demand?


I tried leading a few hunts last year when I was with icon, I even stepped in for combustive when his internet was having trouble before/during a hunt, it isnt hard but it is slightly out my comfort zone but no one really showed up to the ones I arranged (same time) i could see the difference in numbers so I stopped as I didn’t feel I was needed or that it was worth the hassle, 3 messages on discord and another 3 on forums for only 2-4 people when other groups get 10/15 min

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I was a bit irritated last night… and I don’t mean to say it’s not fun… it definitely is, but sometimes it’s a bit of a chore. A chore only made worse when people troll… but that’s rare. Our hunts actually for the most part go super smooth and we have a good group.

If you would like to host let me know and if our hunt schedule works for you we can teach you the ropes. I don’t want to take the post off topic, but I’m truth more hunts would inject more mats into the game.

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Updating my spreadsheet with today’s BUTT prices tells me that gums are still pretty cheap.

Except for a gathering item (glowing lamella) and one particular hunting loot (thermal sac), these gums can all be created with retail purchased ingredients, crafted, and flipped at 5c with pretty decent margin.

Those are not minimum BUTT prices BTW but prices at which 1 or more mass craft worth of ingredients are currently available.

Why ‘should’ they cost more?


BUTT is still working for you? Did you do anything special?
…I should probably just ask Mayu huh

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Chrome/Win10/nothing special.

Some of these data points have been updated today. I wasn’t aware of any problems.

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Lol. They shouldn’t. I’m an idiot and put the wrong symbol. :blush: I edited it above to avoid further confusion.

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Perhaps a way to resolve the issue of cheesing a contract type system would be to have it so that when you take a contract, you’re essentially picking up a quest to gather X items (as opposed to getting them from storage).

Would still have to work out how to manage crafted materials, but it’d be a start towards a more quest-like system as opposed to being just another way to repackage the request basket.