Unplayable lag every day at 8pm EST. Fix this or I quit (as do many others)

I play on a 11mb down .670mb up dsl connection that drops roughly 20% of all packets transmitted (crappy infrastructure and no alternative in my rural area).

I play almost exclusively between 2000 edt and 2200 edt. I have yet to see any of the above mentioned game crippling completely unplayable connection issue mentioned above. I do get large lag spikes that take about 5 seconds to clear when trying to rush through portals. Only planes that are totally unplayable for me are the Australian servers as my ping is terrible to them.


PC or PS4?

PC on my end on a wired connection. Only time I can’t play is when my family is clogging the limited upload pipe with sharing photos on Facebook or similar uploads.

And that is an issue on my end, not the games.

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Right, so as I had mentioned the people who are complaining about this absolute crippling game play seem to almost always be PS4 players. I have yet to meet a PC player who is encountering the same issues.

Thanks for clarifying what platform you are on.

Edit: for the sake of comparison I am playing on Comcast outside of the seattle area on a wireless network. I have throughout the last week 86down 24up. PS4 connected to the wireless network is getting 26down.

Hoping it provides context for the devs to help narrow down what to look at. My connection is about the worst example of one to look away, short of playing on dial up lol.

Possibly something inside the PS network? Unsure of how the netcode works for the PSN compared to how a PC players data packets would route. Is there an added layer inside the PSN that concentrates all net traffic going out or do clients direct connect to the game servers still?

If it is linked specifically to PS4 players I’d suspect that there is some additional layer that is getting congested at peak play times on the PSN.

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Yes I agree with you on this. It’s why I am seeking to get people to clarify when they have issues, which platform we are on.

What’s your upload bandwidth that the ps4 is seeing on the wireless connection? Upload pipe in a game like this would have more significant impact on packet response times.

I messed with this at one point with no resolve but I haven’t thought to try it again as there has been several fixes since then so I might have been experiencing something else entirely and have simply forgotten to go back to that. Thanks for reminding me that and I do hope this Is the problem. The main reason I find it a such a big problem is because it’s seemingly been getting worse and I get the game is growing so that’s expected but on that trajectory it will be impossible for a lot of players to run in the near future :confused: that’s an entirely different topic though and I appreciate the help. Excited to get back to those settings

Just checked and download is currently 23down and 5.5up via the PS4.

Edit: tested the wireless on my phone and the kids computers, also all on wireless. Download speeds to the computers and phones are 4x what I’m getting on the PS4. Tested the other PS connections in the house and they are getting similar results to me PS.

This leads me to believe that whatever the problem is directly lies with Sony hardware as it can’t make use of the 5ghz band. The phones and PCs are all connected to the 5ghz band.

Hardwiring the PS4 is not a possibility. If this is what the problem is, then this game is just not made for the PS4. I fully believe if I was playing on the PC I wouldn’t be having an issue at all.

I find similar issue where I’m in US and attempting to get through the existing portal networks (PS or Aqua) in order to get to Tier 4 or higher worlds just dies when I try to get through an EU or AU server during evenings CDT. Where I can port through those worlds easily daytime. I’d not logged into the game for about a week and last night trying to get through those portal hubs on EU (Finata for instance) didn’t work, the portal said “Unplayable” and never changed. Also, it had the # of people listed as 30-40 so it was certainly not full.

If it might matter, I’m in Middle Tennessee using AT&T Uverse for my provider. Is there a list of server addresses so I can run some connectivity tests outside of the game at those times?

I’ll try the network/chunk setting mentioned earlier tonight but since the planets below T4 seem to be empty lately this issue will likely make the game pointless to try and play for me, which is unfortunate.

I was curious to do this myself and just checked attached IPs when I went to Finata just now. I haven’t looked these up yet to determine where they might be physically, but these were the active connections I had on Finata (I tried to not be looking at a portal).


I play from the US West (on PC), and this past week I can’t get onto EU planets. And even if I do, as soon as I swing a hammer I enter into the “Unplayable” state. It’s super frustrating because there is no option for some resources since there are not equivalent planet types/levels in all regions.

I know this is a problem with routing from my home ISP to AWS EU because I have the same issue with my work assets in AWS EU. How fast your internet has nothing to do with how fast your connection to an endpoint is. In fact it’s only as fast as the slowest link.

Wonderstruck has 0 control over helping this problem. This is a shortcoming of the cloud computing craze which is, in practice, glorified and overpriced shared VPS hosting (which has always been trash). Regardless of my opinion about how racking up in regional DCs + load balancers is more cost effective and reliable, I think the development team should consider having planets of all types and level in each regional area, for the sake of regional playability.


Every country has their dumb/impatient citizens. Every country also has their judgmental/arrogant citizens.

Guess what the result is when people claim that everyone is going to leave the game unless their issues are addressed? People leave the game. Guess what the results are of people leaving the game? Players who enjoy the game have a better time.

Then they come back when their issues are addressed and a lot of happiness gets covered up by their new bile.

From my point of view, I’m finding beacons and building material after people leave. Thanks!

I really would like each region to have each tier of planet and type. It would solve a lot of complaints about resource scarcity and hopefully the lag.

So as recommended by @james earlier in the thread, I turned down my chunk download limit and was able to get through all portals tonight without the “unplayable world” message. Didn’t matter what region, it now just takes a moment for each portal to load the world but after that second or two it works and I can enter.

I don’t know what the default setting is and if I cranked it up at some point, but give this a try if you’re getting “unplayable” message.

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Hey DK,

I think i have a fix for you, it may be worth a shot:
Your base is literally right next to the most busy portal hub in the game. It is the closest in fact, one chunk diagonally. I think that the constant loading and unloading of players/portals might be your problem. And it only makes sense that it happens during the busy times, after ppl get off work and go shopping/meet for hunts on Finata

Possibly, move your base/workshop to another planet, or away from the hub. and have a portal that leads back to your mall. That way, you are doing most of your work away from all the network load, and just pop thru the portal to restock.

I cant imagine how much of your network is getting wasted just from being that close to the Ultima HQ Hub. I only say “wasted” because it is your bandwidth getting sucked up by 70 other players actions.

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Honestly I’m just going to quit the game if this isn’t fixed.

Devs, you guys are liable for a class action lawsuit on this screwup alone, so, you may want to fix this sooner rather than later. I’m not a lawyer, but if anyone else here is a lawyer and wants some cash, feel free to sign up myself and other users on this thread to form a class.

See if this wakes them up at all :wink: but seriously I do want a refund if this isn’t fixed within the week.

Have you completed the troubleshooting steps as outlined by James? Chunkdowloade rate, lag graph, network graph, etc? A user above followed the steps James mentioned and stated the problem went away. I’d highly checking those settings. Unless you follow the troubleshooting steps given than you can’t claim you are giving a good faith effort in helping to resolve the issue.