Update schedule

I never knew I got extra plots… how does that work? Based on purchases or?

If you have deluxe you get 10% more plots when you purchase with cubits

You have your total plots earned with cubits, say 800. You will have a bonus automatically added to that of 80 more plots.

hm okay, cool. makes me wonder how many free plots I got lol.

Divide the number of plots you have by 1.1.

Subtract that number from the number of plots you have and that’s how many ‘free’ plots you got!

Total plots - (total plots/1.1) = no of free plus

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I am on a stent of a break, have been for a few weeks… Bored with the game. So I have no idea what my exact plot number is. I could easily have done the math if I did. I have a few thousand plots, so I would guess I relieved a few hundred free plots.

Mwhahaha you shall find out… when its too late :speak_no_evil:

math is not my good area, but I am figuring that at 10% I get one free plot for every 10 I buy. So that works out to 10 plots for every 100 and a 100 for every 1000.
Someone who understand math can correct me.

On the Gleam club, you get the tint kit for free now with doing colors, such as the body paint, you can tint for free. But, the 30 days free trial is just for those 30 days and some new players seem to think it means always. It costs to continue it.
Is it worth it, that depends on what you do, for me, Yes, a huge Yes, I have outposts on several planets, even lower level ones, that saves me from running around adding fuel, especially for the higher level ones I can’t handle alone. When my son was playing other games and didn’t want to be bothered, we lost outposts at three planets. Granted, they didn’t have much and a couple were ones I didn’t care about, but I still hated losing them.
For me the cost is worth the hassle, for some, not, individual tastes and ability to afford the costs. So we don’t order one pizza once ever three months, no loss…

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Ooooo time to speculate and get all excited about what those assets could be :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ll start.



I hope farming, but not expecting it.


define assets…:thinking:

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Im actually expecting farming. I think this is big patch week if they’re sticking to original plan of big patch then small patch wit bug fixes


Probably the Hunter creature…should be a tier 5 or above monster or else most lower level planets will become death zones. I am on a tier 3… we do not need Hunters…

I am hoping for the farming too!!! Trees that you could plant and have randomly “grow” would be an AWESOME quality of life.

Would be cool if they would let you do a FORGE of the materials (think Jurassic Park and DNA) so you could create some Random cool plant or tree species that you could harvest the seeds from and SELL as a Unique items!

I hope not…

well, I do but only if it’s combined with the Farming update :wink:

Why? because the hunter is just slightly changing some things and I really, really, really need a big new thing to be added!

My ideal update next week:

  • hunter
  • farming
  • loads of new blocks
  • T7 and perhaps T8 planets (1 per region)
  • 24 new T5+ planets so every region has 6 of them
  • 5 (?) T4 planets so every region has 2 of them (AUS has none at the moment)
  • beautiful T2 and T3 planets added for each region
  • and heck throw in 1 or 2 T1 planets in each region just for the heck of it

Now that would be an update I would get very excited about!


expecting might be a little strong, but yeah, if they are sticking to the proposed schedule of minor then major updates, it should be something significant this time around!

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Yea im expecting it in the sense that they could pull it off in time to add but i wont be mad if we have to wait longer

Mad? No, disappointed? yes…

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I agree, we dont want for much though do we!


MOST Importantly…put the new planets NEXT to Biitula! :wink: