Update to testing universe

I can’t cancel anything from the queue here, same with the adjacent crafting table.

Are all of your table storage slots filled? I’ve noticed that it returns used items to the table rather than your inventory now and that seems to keep it from cancelling if you’ve not enough slot in the table itself.

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cant remember now to be true - might be the case so

Did you find them? I looked in the capital but see no shop stands with location markers, and no-one around. (Spooky!)

There’s a single shop stand in a single plot. It’s outside a large, long building at the end of it.

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I’m sorry for the location- it was accessible before, the buildings nearby it built up and kinda cut it off from the rest of the city :stuck_out_tongue: follow those coordinates given and you will find it

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Thanks both! Much obliged.

@Aella As a couple of people mentioned the users were copied over from live so it was probably copied before you created your new account. The new user database will be wiped and copied from live again when we make the final switchover so if you want to try out testing right now you can just go through the in game create new account flow (rather than trying to sign in to your existing account).

Out of interest did you exit the game between starting on the first character and getting to unlock the slot for a second character, or did you do it in a single play session? I think we may be maintaining some state from the first character creation into the 2nd one or something, but if you restarted the game in between then that wouldn’t be the case.

Hi @blake,

I currently have 2 chars on testing: “Lion” & “Ciprian” are those names gonna remain reserved after the switchover/reset/release/etc.?

Only names on the live servers in use at the moment of the reset will be reserved.


We’ll be copying the reservations from the live universe at the point when we take down the old live universe and bring up the new one. So as long as you create characters with names you want on live before we do that then they’ll get reserved, anything you create on testing will be ignored.


It was during a single play session

Oh, I didn’t realize this. Is there a way to delete a character and pick a new name to reserve?

This may have been mentioned already, but I’ve noticed when you see a planet reflected in water it shows the whole planet regardless of whether a mountain is in the way or not. I don’t see the terrain reflected. Just an observation.


yes you can do this in-game. I forget where the menu is exactly but you can’t be active on the character you delete. also they changed it so you have to use qbits to unlock character slots, so if you havn’t purchased the slots you’re using and you delete a character, you will not be able to remake it until you buy the correct number of slots!!! Make sure you have character slots before you delete your character!


I think there is a graphics option where you can choose how much you want to see reflected, sky or everything.

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Oh, ok. Thanks

Where was this mentioned? I seem to have missed it :S

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