**UPDATED** The Community Great Hunt

It have been big weekly hunts on the weekends, but do not know if it still actual.

Anyone hunting today, no time on the sign but im game if anyone else is…

Today the Portal seekers are going to have there first Guild hunt and thats why there is no Community hunt today. but you are welcome to join the hunt tomorrow at 17:00 UTC+00

Can i not join the guild hunt?

Well its some what req to be in the guild and on guild discord cus we are going to try to do a speeed run :stuck_out_tongue:

Updated the post:
The EU (UTC+00) Community Great hunts are scheduled on these dates and times:
Sunday 14/1 17:00 The grate hunt
Wednesday 17/1 19:00
Friday 19/1 19:00
For more information contact @virresss

@Simoyd is also trying to pull together people to do some community hunts during US prime times (EST -05):
(Simoyd event is also in the Calendar above)
Tuesday 16 Jan: 19:00
Thursday 18 Jan: 19:00

Link Hunting Calendar with to your Google Calender: https://goo.gl/V9tdk5
or use the Public links that will show you the same thing without logging in.
(updated, now works again)
(updated, now works again)
PST https://goo.gl/mSynHB
CST https://goo.gl/s91tVa
EST https://goo.gl/HFvAdA
GMT https://goo.gl/79JjUf
CET https://goo.gl/862Djn


Hunt today at 19:00 UTC+00

Link Hunting Calendar with to your Google Calender: https://goo.gl/V9tdk52
or use the Public links that will show you the same thing without logging in.
(updated, now works again)
(updated, now works again)
PST https://goo.gl/mSynHB
CST https://goo.gl/s91tVa
EST https://goo.gl/HFvAdA
GMT https://goo.gl/79JjUf
CET https://goo.gl/862Djn


Sorry for the confusion i had to update the link that didnt work and posted the wrong calendar in the process, pleas check the calenders for the event again to be sure you got the right time now!

The Hunt today is 19:00 UTC+00


I took part in 4 hunts so far and it was fun!!
I had over 4 hours of hunting recorded and I decided to create a short video showing best moments: creatures various behavior and attacks, carpet bombing, day and night fighting in changing weather of Munteen VII and Nasharil. Some of you can find yourself in there doing all the weird and fun stuff (like dying :wink: ).

I hope you don’t mind me posting it here.

P.S. Sorry for quality. My laptop can only process group fighting when details are lowered to High and per pixel light is off. Even then excessive visual effects (like during carpet bombing) cause some minor lags.


European Hunt today

Friday 19/1 19:00 UTC+00

Meeting place: Mobeus plaza!

Hunt in 40 mniutes!

Hunt starting now in Moebius Plaza!! :smiley: come all!

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Next hunt: Sun, January 21, 17:00 – 19:00 UTC +00

Im going Steam the hunt on my youtube Questing Knight. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7iZ9gPWM756Zp8HdiLuUA

Im also going test to do some giveaways on the stream. (slings, grapples, hammers) in order to be able to enter in the give aways you have to join and subscribe the channel Questing Knight link above.

I will do 1 giveaway at the start and three in the end of the hunt and one for every hour the hunt is running. so there is going to be a 5-10 min brake every hour for the giveaway.


Hunt in 10 min

My OCD really thanks whoever fixed the spelling of ‘Great’ :slight_smile:


I’m thankful for this too! lol. I never pick people up on their spellings unless I’m working, but there are a few signs out there around the worlds where the spelling is wrong and I just wish I could change it. lol


Haha im soory my dyslexia is a pain for you! i cant help it :stuck_out_tongue: its a pain for me too

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Haha me too!
Ive even gone years thinking one of the local wholesalers is called Gullevin but is actually Guillevan. Im like why is everyone saying it wrong?!
reads slowly and carefully

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NEVER! I much preferred “The Grate Hunt”!

Definition: [with object] reduce (food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater: (as adjective grated) : grated chuttletrunk.

… the perfect definition of grating all the creatures and meteorites into their drops!!



New creature? You heard it here first!! :joy::yum: