**UPDATED** The Community Great Hunt

The grate hunt
Hello there!
I’m searching for you that have a good bow and good aim. We need more ppl like that, that want to hunt several times in a week becaus its fun! This will be on lvl 3 planets so it’s going to be hard for players at lower levels if you don’t have a good build.

Hunters Courtyard is the new meeting place for the hunts. all the information is going to be collected there from now on

The hunting schedule is now on Hunters Courtyard, you can find your way there by the portal in Therka market and The portal in portal seekers gateway.

Link Hunting Calendar with to your Google Calendar: https://goo.gl/5GxNp4
or use the Public links that will show you the same thing without logging in.
(updated, now works again)
PST Boundless | Community Events
CST Boundless | Community Events
EST Boundless | Community Events
GMT Boundless | Community Events
CET Boundless | Community Events

Here is what you need:

  • Meeting place Hunters Courtyard
  • A good sling and some healing potion
  • Rember its good to invest in death penalty skill for this!

If you like hunting you might like to join our new Guild Portal Seekers. Read more about it here ** IMPORTANT ** Portal Seekers Shopping Hub Changes


Just for peoples reference :slight_smile:



Good idea! Though i wouldn’t mind an earlier time.

hey viress great idea i can let you use plaza to put up a sign for this let me know so i add you to rights and we look for a spot for the sign

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Well, the fire caverns one is at 5pm…

Today? Then i’ll happily join in.

what time is 19:00 UTC for you?

20:00. But i start early at my job, so late midday/early evening is better for me.

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Yeah i know but the hunts ive done before have 19:00 worked realy good. im up for a change tomorrow if you guys can find a better time.

how about if i try out doing an early one, every other day. so on tusdays we start on 17:00 utc

That would be excellent. :slight_smile:

Ah, no. On the 6th…

its the community hunt on the 6th

Awesome, I should be able to make some of the weekday hunts ^^ esp when the kids go back to school :wink:

Oh is the a meeting location in therka market? It is a rather large place =p

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On weekdays those times fall either on lunch or two hours after lunch where I am–and I’ll be working.

Have fun!

Same times for me. I’ll be working too. :frowning:

Are there any players who would want to go meteorite hunting some US evening times?
I should be able to go some evenings between 7pm-9pm Eastern time.

I can hunt with yaa. I’m in west us. az time :slight_smile:

I will be there starting with the next hunt. Thanks for organizing this!