**UPDATED** The Community Great Hunt

!hunt in about 50 min !
Show up on time to vote for which planet we shall be hunting on.
Leader: Tarahyumaro and virresss
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard, on Munteen VII
Join discord: https://discord.gg/qPzsjdW

Hunt starts in 10 min

Hunt in about 1 hours !
Show up on time to vote for which planet we shall be hunting on.
Leader: Tarahyumaro and virresss
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard, on Munteen VII
Join discord: https://discord.gg/qPzsjdW

Hunt in about 1 hours 30 min !
Show up on time to vote for which planet we shall be hunting on.
Leader: virresss
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard, on Munteen VII
Join discord: https://discord.gg/qPzsjdW

Hunt starts in 9 min

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!hunt in about 20 min !
Show up on time to vote for which planet we shall be hunting on.
Leader: virresss
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard, on Munteen VII
Join discord: https://discord.gg/qPzsjdW

Join the Great hunt in about 50 min !
Show up on time to vote for which planet we shall be hunting on.
Leader: virresss
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard, on Munteen VII
Join discord: https://discord.gg/qPzsjdW

Todays Great Hunt 18:00 UTC +00, will we test the new stuff! forge your weapons and speck your hunter build!

We need as many as possible so if you are able to join, please do!

When is the hunt in your time? check this calendar
Join discord

The Goal is to test the new meteors at higher levels and see what kind of loot we get as the lootable is changed and then test some of the new stronger mobs.

A few tips, you can gain 90% resistance in skills with pies that is 210%.
you can’t die. (except for fall dmg and lava)

DPS builds, I will run a tank build but remember that I don’t have max dmg so keep an eye on the aggro. if you get aggro wait for a 20 sec and then switch to a less dmg sling to tag for some time. DO NOT run for your life as this will pull all the mobs away from me and when I get back aggro it will be chaos. stay close to the tower.

Forge weapons
there is a few intresting things we want to test.
the special effects off “slow” and “weak”
also the dmg output of Multipal shots (shotgun)
Critical chance and critical dmg
there is also, some cool things you can do now is extremely fast shooting slings with High dmg.

Hunt starting in 15 min

Do you guys still want a hunt today even if the meteor rewards are bugged??
(we get the same reward as a dormant meteor 2-5 rough ort and 1 tech remnant)

Wee need 5 Yes to do the hunt :slight_smile:

  • YES!!
  • No

0 voters

Even though I don’t attend due to time zone differences, you should still do them as it does bring enjoyment to others

Yeah thats a good point. Im just intrested to see what everyone ells think.

I think yes maybe find out what day is best for everyone.

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Hunt in 40 min if we get enuth players

I will try to be there

!hunt in about 45 min !
Show up on time to vote for which planet we shall be hunting on.
Leader: VirresSs
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard, on Munteen VII
Join discord: https://discord.gg/qPzsjdW

Hunt in 30 min

We are doing a hunt in 1 hour and 20 mins on Grovidias Te Join us. (22:00 UTC +00)
look on tis calendar to see the hunt in your time http://www.boundless-maps.com/calendar.html

Read more how to get to the new gateway system!

You don’t gain much experience during hunts anymore, from my understanding. Tagging creatures doesn’t do much since experience is awarded based on how much damage you did to the killed creature, right? I’m glad to see that we’re still doing hunts though, as the drops alone are worth it. :slight_smile:


I think the leveling speed should stay “balanced” with solo gaming at least a bit, but if the drops are great then it’s still a nice motivation (especially if we allready have hit lvl 50+ later :wink: )

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