**UPDATED** The Community Great Hunt

This should be pinned. It’s great for the game and the community in general to get to meet new people and get good tips and advice from experienced players, as well as have a good time hunting :smiley: Good job Virresss, I’ll be joining when I have decent weapons.


Thx interested in joining a guild to get more knowledge and tips. and more social aspect of the game. you know we always searching for new players in the Portal seekers https://portalseekers.weebly.com/join-us.html



Hunt starts in 7 min


EU Hunt in 2 hours with VirresSs

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Hunt in 10 min

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Hunt starts in 1 hour and 20 min, its on Nasharil (lvl3 planet) today with virresss. we meet up in Hunters courtyard.

Find any portal seeker gateway and follow it to the munteen gateway and then go to Hunters courtyard.

On lvl 3 planets you need full death penalty and if you take any gem tools with you.

We are going to need Builders that build towers and Pit diggers that digg pits under the portals. Bring shovels and blocks. rember that if everyone helps it will go mutch faster!

Look on Portal Seeker website for hunter builds https://portalseekers.weebly.com/build-a-hunter.html

Dont forget to join the Portal seekers Discord to Follow the direction from the hunt leader


don’t understand why it is sooo bad today - I can go to any planet and the worst ping I see is around 150-200 and its playable
now its all 200-300 and unplayable messages half of the time:confused:

yeah i have same problem i cant play on an any planet but the EU

starts in 1 hour and 30 min, its on Nasharil (lvl3 planet) today with Simoyd. We will meet up in Hunters Courtyard.

Find any portal seeker gateway and follow it to the munteen gateway and then go to Hunters Courtyard.

On lvl 3 planets you should have full death penalty if you take any gem tools with you.

We are going to need Pit diggers that digg pits under the portals, so bring shovels! Remember that if everyone helps it will go mutch faster!

Look on Portal Seeker website for hunter builds https://portalseekers.weebly.com/build-a-hunter.html

Dont forget to join the Portal seekers Discord to Follow the direction from the hunt leader (Simoyd), even if you don’t have a microphone!

Hunt starts in 2 hours, it’s on Nasharil (lvl3 planet) today with VirresSs. We will meet up at Hunters Courtyard.

How to get there?
Find any portal seeker gateway and follow it to the munteen gateway and then go to Hunters Courtyard.

On lvl 3 planets you should have full death penalty if you take any gem tools with you.

We are going to need Pit diggers that dig pits under the portals, so bring shovels! Remember that if everyone helps it will go mutch faster!

Look on Portal Seeker website for hunter builds https://portalseekers.weebly.com/build-a-hunter.html

Don’t forget to join the Portal seekers Discord to Follow the direction of the hunt leader (VirresSs), even if you don’t have a microphone!

Tried adding the Discord but got the Invalid invitation message.

Hunt in 10 min

Got the same error message with this - Invitation invalid.

“The instant invite is invalid or has expired”

Hunt It’s time to gather your singbows and bombs, let’s kill some Cuttles!
Time to hunt: 1 hour
Leader: VirresSs
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard
Find our more information on portal seekers website:

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hunt in 10 minutes on munteen

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Hunt, It’s time to gather your singbows and bombs, let’s kill some Cuttles!
Time to hunt: 1 hour
Leader: VirresSs
Meeting place: Hunters Courtyard
Find more information on portal seekers website: