Using religious symbols, labels and signs in game

Is explicit use of religious symbols, lables and signs either in game chat or through builds allowed?


I’m not sure whether that person is either a religious fanatic or intellectually deficient or maybe just some junkie but I am sure that a mmo game is not a place for such acts.

The Code of Condudt doesn’t mention religious issues anyhow.

P.S. That single player has been doing it for weeks, since he joined the game. Reporting the beacons doesn’t work as he just tears it down after a couple days and builds on other plots he finds around.

This could get real messy, real quickly!

Just my opinion here, trying to be as objective as possible.

What is your actual objection to this?

Are they trying to convert you? Are they insulting or disrespecting other faiths or religions?

Presumably their religion is a large part of who they are, should they not be allowed to express that part of themselves?

Is it any different from using a football theme, or cultural theme to a build?

For example, my builds and name are based on ancient scottish place names, and Fidach is the name of a mythical/legendary Pictish prince, should I be not allowed to use that in case someone of English decent gets offended?

If it was themed after Buddhism, would you still want it removed?

I am of no religion, but I don’t think people should be stopped from expressing who they are.

Different if the signs were saying ‘convert now’, or ‘you are all sinners’.

But to ask for it to be removed for a couple of innocuous signs is a bit intolerant.


touchy subject…

I would say this player is just expressing thru their builds. I would have the same reaction to a wiccan symbol, star of david, or pentagram. some people may be offended by a sign saying “Satan is lord” or “Moon Goddess watches over us all”… but hey, ppl love to express themselves in various ways.

I would say the world of boundless isn’t the correct place for it… it kinda takes you outta the game for a second. but then you move on, and continue doing what you are doing. no harm done


Coffee is my lord.


he just preparing for titans


ave senseo


Actually I’d like to get a clarification from devs…

@fidach so I can place a huge reversed cross with pentagrams and large sign “Satan needs You”.

I don’t care about your or his or anyone other’s religious / sexual / diet preferences. Keep them to yourself. And don’t come up with that “intolerance” ■■■■. The game isn’t a place for it.

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Well, unlike in the real world Boundless actually was created by an intelligent being. James is our lord :joy: defy him and you shall be cast into an eternal corrosive world with griefers and gleam towers.


I only see two stances in here.

Either all religions are allowed or none are allowed.

If we have no problems with this guys message people also can’t complain if i put a huge SATAN IS LORD on my build. Ans since i do indeed am a member of the Satanic Temple (though i identify as Thelema in religious matters) i have the right to do that.

Personally i am not such a person that i want to promote my religious feelings in a game, I find it not exactly a show of good manners. Keep it to yourself and such.

But the bottomline is: Either none are allowed or all are allowed. If SATAN IS LORD is forbidden then so is “Jesus prays for you”. That is pretty straightforward and fair in my book.


Religion and politics are two things that don’t belong in video games


I wouldn’t do it, but no way should it be banned.


What does the CoC or EULA say?

The bannable offense here should be placing that new gleam sign on mud… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, my view too.

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Just…No :rofl:

I think really it comes down to intent and execution. If someone intends something hatefully, it shouldn’t be in the game. If it’s obviously hateful and disrespectful, then it’s a case for the CoC


I’ve come across several builds with upside down crosses, pentagrams, prayers to Satan, etc. I personally don’t think any of these things belong in the game…no religion or politics. But that is just my opinion. I find them in bad taste and tacky. Sometimes offensive.

You do not know what you are talking. Please stop. Lol

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And this is exactly how a war about ideas starts and how a game community breaks apart due to stuff that for some people may have relevance in their real life, but has none in a gaming world. I’m totally with @HigggsFoton here: Either all religions are allowed, or none. I would furthermore expand this to “either all political views or none”.

I pretty much like the idea of Boundless being a politics and religion free zone, so I’m leaning for a “none”, but: What about “Little Japan”, which has clear references to Shintoism? What about cathedrals or Greek-ish temples?


^^^ I’m on board with this.

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