Visual search survey

Friend of mine is doing a psychology degree and needs some subjects for a visual search test. You have to spot patterns in images in set times, it’s an interesting exercise. If you’ve got 10 minutes to spare any entries would be appreciated :smile:

(Completely unrelated to the game, hence ‘off topic’!)


Oh gosh… It… was an interesting test… ma eyessss

Yeah, after complete day, short before going to sleep it really was a challenge for my eyes… Wonder if I had different results if I’d just stand up. But what a pity to not see any number of how often I was right…

im sorry i quit… head started to hurt and it kept refreshing and changing halfway through a test

Done. :smile:

I saw exactly one X. Now I’m not sure if I found THAT X or if I’m just as bad as it gets with this^^

ah man i saw right through that. what a nice mind trick off ilosiuns

care to tell?

I saw 4 :smiley:

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eye sore ^^

More interesting is, what this test could aim for…

Eye tiredness after some time?

This is probably not an eye test :stuck_out_tongue:

First off all, i found none X.

Not sure about that and my consideration is theoretically but i think there is no X in the complete test. I can envisaging the test is to show that one sees something even if it is not present if one gets told it could be present. The time limit is there to force intuitive decisions which can be deceived by false assumptions.
I’m not even sure that it is possible to detect the pattern within the time limit if you can not find it by accident because the characters themselves are arranged in an X shape and thus deceive the perception.

There are several “X” in the test.

Yea I’m still not sure what I should think about this test^^ I tried different search patterns but only stumbled over 1 x in total^^ But hey I can’t be good at everything^^

several “X” and you show us one? :joy: Not very good proof :stuck_out_tongue:

Just to show @Heurazio that there are X in the test. I´m not going to spam this thread with a screenshot of every X i found.

You are right - i am stupid :smiley: i totally got the task wrong (as you can read in my prior post, i searched for a pattern …) … outch :smiley: (i should go sleep … )

I think it was something about search patterns looking at which x’s people found most.

Of course with controll pictures with no x’s making sure people isn’t jsut immagining stuff.

okay here if you look at the image you see an x inside it dont look for the x you will see it inside the image like the letters are alined as a x