Warning: issue with spark and wear buff. Please read everyone when you get a spare mo

Why even allow people to craft at a friend’s house if this is the case?

At a minimum it should be one or the other.

Is there any other buff that requires beacon alignment?

It also makes no sense that if the character has spark and wear 3 and the beacon has spark and wear 3, but they are different guilds, no buff is applied.

Nowhere does it say you need to own the beacon…

Hey DK, is my shop stand at your exo shuttle empty already? :wink:

You were saying? :slight_smile:

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Yes, arguably that description suggests if you are using an advanced locked shop stand, you’d get tax cuts if you personally have the buff.

I have the tax epic for what it’s worth at Exo Shuttle.

However, OT

Because someone gave you perms to do so, same as with the shop stands in your exo shuttle and YOUR tax epic counts, not mine or anyone else’s

I know that :slight_smile:

However, it’s totally on-topic since it’s the same type of situation!!

Works just like the other ones at your beacon

Makes complete sense the beacon should be aligned. Honestly that should be a requirement of being in a guild too. 1 aligned beacon at least

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“Any beacon you are selling items”
Yes it does.

If you don’t own the beacon, it’s technically not you selling the items. You merely have access to the stand. The game would have no idea how to differentiate between the owner and the seller.

If someone lets me craft at their house and both they and their beacon have spark and wear, unless I am in their guild, no buff is applied.

What’s the description for spark and wear? IIRC it didn’t say reduced spark and wear when at a guild aligned beacon.

I have received perms to sell at someone else’s beacon. Dk has gotten perms to craft at someone else’s beacon…

this description is wrong :wink:

and i have no tax epic :wink: only the beacon owner has the epic, and the owner was not on this plot since some month, but I am here every day

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Nope it doesn’t and should be added, I just assumed it was like that, made sense to me

Yep but we knew it worked that way.

To me (and if it were a court case, to a lawyer), if you talk explicitly about being on a guild aligned beacon for two buffs, but not the third, it would reasonably be understood that it doesn’t apply to the third.

The spark and wear reduction character buff is character locked not guild locked (ofc)

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Let’s wait for @vdragon or @lucadeltodecso to tell us if it’s a bug or a poorly worded description :slight_smile:

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Literally what i said. Yes you can have permissions to sell at somebody else’s beacon. But the owner is still the person who owns the plot. The game has no idea that YOU are actually using it to sell stuff.

Let’s agree to… agree shall we :wink:

I would think it would work how Exp gained is only to that person who made the que so if you have the buff and once you Qued an item the buff would apply but if anyone came in behind you and qued another item in the same Machine it would not apply to there item unless they them self had the buff no matter plot or alignment

short for all

player epic for the player => player need the epic
player epic for maschine => maschine need to placed in the beacon which owned by a player with the epic (tax epic)

guild buff for player => player need to by in guild as primary
guild buff for maschine => player need to by in guild as primary AND the beacon must be aligned to the guild (spark buff)

thats how it works ingame, for me is this all logic