Warranty on maxed out forged items (new idea)

Enjoying my sniper bow :grin:
Thx again.

Hard part is going to be keeping an eye on the durability :rofl:


Round 2 started with new forged warranty tools.
Want something, just go over and buy it directly from the shop stand.

TNT hub → Dzassak → Underwater hub → next is the warranty area in the watertunnel (go left)


How is it going, already needed to claimed your warranty?

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Still got a bit of use left. About halfway.
Because it’s such a good bow I didn’t want to just use it anywhere. Comes in handy for those T6 hunts :blush: Melts Armour Repel cuttletrunks which are always annoying :rofl:

My anxiety will kick in though when it gets to the red. Probably won’t use it on hunts then incase it breaks. I’m such a derp, that would happen :laughing:

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You actually should use it everywhere and get the maximum out of it.
Just don’t break it and get a new one.

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This is just a quick update on the warranty shop.

I am no longer selling any NEW warranty items as I no longer forge/sell forged items to the community. (Reason is that certain people buy out all my forged items and resell them for personal gain. To me that is unacceptable and I have no other solution then to forge for myself and my Guild members.)

BUT, any warranty item out there has warranty FOREVER. So if you have a warranty item then you can ALWAYS bring it back to me so I will provide a new one. Again, again and again.

Some people made wrong statements about me not exchanging the warranty items since I stopped forging/selling to the public. THAT IS NOT TRUE !

Warranty items have warranty and will always be exchanged.

Update: This warranty item idea got abused and I offered to give the coins back. At least they had a long time using tools for free.


Question bud, abused in what way?
I’m thinking how such warranty item can be abused… :face_with_monocle:

Can’t say, thats naming and shaming and we all know that is not allowed.

I will do nice stuff for my own Guild only from now on.

I’m not asking names, I’m just asking HOW it can be abused but yeah your choices. :ok_hand:

Im just asking because you had good handful of people using your warranty tools, and it could help others to not do the same “abuse”

Thanks, at least in my own Guild I can trust people way more.
Shame it has to be this way, but ‘Oh well’.

All good things come to an end.

Up to the next project, yay ! :grinning:

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Yeah true that ooh well, it was a good idea :bulb:
There’s always new ideas right

Working on it.

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Was always curious what you did with all the low durability forged gear that was exchanged. Did you keep it all to keep track of it? Mint it?
Put it on display?

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Display and I used them to see when they return what was forged on it to replace them with the exact same forged item.


idea was awesome :smiley:
but looking at me its hard to keep track at durability, as for axe/shovels/hammers im always using them till break :smiley: never cared how much dura i had left, there is something left? lets get more blocks :smiley:
personally i think its even harder to keep aye on dura during hunts? respect for those who were able to do it :smiley:

also no idea how it could be “abuse”? to get new you had to bring back previous tool signed by warranty forger right? only 1 things comes into mind - did someone made toon with same name and tried to exchange crappy tool for new? or tried to sell crappy tools as warranty made by you?

Requested to close the topic.

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@majorvex :ok_hand:

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Yeah, obviously I requested majorvex to close this.


@majorvex while you are closing this topic anyway, could you please also close:

Thanks in advance majorvex !

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