Water Refection bug

In this picture you can see the water refection of the metals and the power coils as it should be

In this picture after leveling the water off to where I want it to be in the build you can no longer see the refection

water refections look very nice and this needs to be fixed.

This isn’t a bug, it’s a design choice for performance.

Each planet has a fixed “sea level” and only water at this level will generate reflections. @lucadeltodecso @dave has posted recently on the specific technical reasons if you want to scan his history for it.

That is quite disappointing, and it should be a option the user and turn on or off with the default of off if it is a performance problem

Apparently it could change in the future, with some limitations.

I guess I just have to lower the floor of this room by one then, slightly annoying but considering how good water can look in this game, It will have to be done.