Water Surface Effect on different Altitude

I try today some buildings with water inside. Now i found a small problem with the water surface

  1. added 1 block water on the World water level
  2. the original world water level
  3. reduced world water level for 1
  4. reduced world water level for 1 and added it back

conclusion => all altitude which are not the original water level are, get a other water effect which looks bad

Is this a bug or is there any solution to get water with a nice reflection ?
the water is all inside a beacon

If you want see it Ingame go to Imoco 1957N -121E Alt 65

Portals you can find in DKS Tree or at the Ultima Shop Portals
than in the shop through the Portal “Atlantis@Imoco” and tha through the door on the right side direction west (Altantis old) and then direct on the left side behind the door

Explanation here…

ok so its useless to build with water at any other altitude like the original…if you want the clear water surface

“Looks ugly but as intended by devs” afaik

like always…

For what they add better water if only on 1 altitude…

why not add any graphic options to enable/disable this…i think the most computer player has cpu and gpu which has no problem with this.

why always limit all options only because a few player has problems if they set settings to high or wrong

I dont think there is a gpu on earth that could handle the way we are doing reflections, and then doing it at all the possible water levels; think of it as “divide your fps by how many layers of water there are in the world” its simply not scalable. It needs a different solution.


Yes the water doesn’t have a reflective surface on any other lvl except “world sea lvl”.
It can be annoying to be fair, but if i am completely honest about it. It’s more frustrating if you have incorrect reflection in your water like on PS4. Also kind of like the ability of seeing the blocks underneath the new water lvl.

During the building process the reflection can get in the way (more then once).

Started my build when i had to drag the water to where i wanted it before I started to build (about 20 full plots digging empty just to get full water source in 1 corner).
And build half of the other wall under water before removing the source blocks that where not needed.

Before that spent 4 day’s pulling water across big part of land just to correct the water on my side that missed 2 source blocks.

Honestly glad for the new liquid mechanics (completely removed the water because i can place it back afterwards) and don’t want reflections added to all lvls as i just see in correct reflection on the ps4 any way. All I would ask for is that source blocks are a little more clearer then they are now. Flowing may stay as is just the source a little clearer.


Also very frustrating flowing water why can it pass trough a double chiseled block.
(Beveled on two opposite sides closed in but the block leaks). Source agree as it is technically a full block but flowing (Visually) isn’t.