We need Standard Boundles Time (YBO)

As title says. Timezones are confusing enough. We need time format which is the same for everyone like Standard Boundless Time - Yarboo time (YBO).


Something I never quite understood: aren’t different planets meant to have different times?

Let’s not make this even more confusing, Will :joy:


But… Physically they have to right?
Also I thought that they did already, maybe I’m wrong

Looks more like a ticker to me… $YBO…
I’ll take 100,000,000 shares!

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Well in the real world they would but we just need a standard time in-game that is synced across all players.

well for most people that is just UTC. Universal Time Coordinated :blush:


YBO is Yaboo Messenger on NASDAQ :joy:

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this one is not to temper with time differences between worlds (different day and night cycles)

its for “external use” for players - if there was a Boundless time (lets say equal to time zone devs are in), all events (hunts, building of cities etc) would be easy to synchronize as organizers would use Boundless Time when posting; people wouldnt have to count difference between time zones, they would simply log in to Boundless and check Yaboo Time (simply a clock within game somewhere in a corner of the screen) to see how far off they are from the event.

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I think UTC is already that kind of standard time for the physical world, so if you just had a UTC clock, that would work, right? It seems like a good accepted international standard. :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, a standard time could actually be a bit confusing then :joy:

ABORT! Abort! Sorry for commenting junk in the post :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with the others though UTC is efficient and who knows? Maybe they will put it in the UI somewhere.

thats the idea in here I guess - to chose one of the real life time zones to show in Boundless (on screen), so players can easily check it (those who usually have trouble remembering time zones differences)

its just cool to give it name like Yabo Time, right? so when it comes to an event, the announcement says "19.45 Yabo Time)


Coincidentaly today I added gmt (for boundless, same as utc) and Beijing (for work) clocks to my phones desktop.


Nahh, What I have in mind is that there should be a time display in game. 24h format which shows current YBO time. Not Like UTC, you should not have to convert it to your local time.
Some people would always play between 01:00 - 05:00 YBO time, some will play between 16:00-20:00.

Currently we have to convert our local time to some other time, which is confusing because people sometimes don’t know timezone they live in or they have 3 different timezones.


isnt that the same for UTC? you still need to convert the time in YBO to your own… or you make an 8 hour format… but then in 3 days ? so day one is Yaba, day 2 is Boy en day 3 Poa . day 1 for AU, day 2 for EU, day 3 for US.
i’m on at 3:40 poa


/Ya boi! (yar boo) XD I love this idea!
@james Can we get this added in the next update PLEASE! :slight_smile:

I think it boils down to something as simple as this.

Set a time everyone can agree on, Let’s say UTC for example.

Have that time display on Boundless, forums, etc.

Whenever someone wants to organize something, they can say: “Event happening at 2:00 PM Boundless time (UTC)” People that know UTC will have no problem, people that know Boundless time will have no problem either. People not looking to participate in events or the like, will think nothing of that extra information, or better yet, we can make it switch from on/off on the settings.

As people get used to this standard, they’ll either remember what UTC they’re on or what Boundless time means in their terms.

I’m not saying there’s no alternatives out there to coordinate time, I’m just saying we can streamline it.

  • UTC (Boundless Time)
  • Other time zone standard (put it in the comments)
  • Don’t feel like we need a standard time

0 voters


it doesnt matter if its identical with UTC or any other real time zone; what matters is that its inside game - clock in Boundless showing the same hour for everyone wherever they live; to make things cool we might call it Yabo Time or whatever name we like;


Yeah, I was gonna say. It sounded like everyone wanted the same thing, but just didn’t understand each other hehehe. We all want an in game clock :slight_smile:

EDIT: realized James was already tagged. Sorry for spam D:

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