To fix the Oort they just need to fix hunting. Its not a necessity that people who don’t hunt, are able to get their Oort through another means (like mining). They just need to make people enjoy hunting again, then the problem fixes itself.
My idea wouldn’t rely on seeds really. Just setting an oort stone or x amount of oort stones to a rock and waiting for it to grow. So the negative in this situation is time. And it could grow to the size of the open space. Not sure if possible, but I think it would be a cool way to replicate crystal farming
That would be amazing! But I wont be mad if they add t8 oort planets and oort gear
That would allow to scale to giant dimensions until 1 player can supply the whole universe.
Sorry but exponental is simply too much.
Yes please lol
I think that amalgam is ingame, maybe that could make them for useful as well.
Ah then maybe just straight growth. One block at a time. But into the empty space around it. Not sure about the balance, but I’m sure if taken seriously then it could be figured out. Just an idea that I think would be neat as far as crystal farming
if we keep it like the inorganic plants it would be fine.
amalgam is way too hard to get a hold of
Why do that? Oort is a constant requirement for the universe to function as a group of planets and not just individual planets. If you want to handle it like Gems and make it on regular planets and exos then fine but I see no reason to limit it to exos.
I think devs never realized people put up portal hubs. But it NOT games fault people did that… i mean i think its atm pretty reasonable… 1x2 portal stays open 5weeks with 900shards.
Its really about connecting stuff WITH people. Not who has biggers donger on the universe
the problem with that is, is the requirements for more oort per portal dimension size, needs to be tailored down some.
And imagine when the game really takes off and suddenly we have 100’s more planets which need to be connected!
The amount of oort needed will be massive! And not every new player is gonna hunt…
All planets don’t need to be connected!!!
this is why I think there needs to be an Endeavor method of powering portals, guildies who work hard keep the portals going
Lol, imagine running through portals for 30 minutes straight to go from planet x to planet y
So reduce the amount of Oort needs for bigger portals and increase the Oort drops for higher tier meteors, promoting more group hunts increasing the amount of groups hunting, add new creatures to change things up.
no problems here with that, if it means I get what I need.
Yeah, just think it’s funny.
You could have a portal runner career of transporting goods between planets at that point @VSDalSheron
you gotta think “I want to take the scenic route today!” lol