We need to overhaul portals and portal fueling

Maybe we would have special portals or means of transportation if we had that many planets to travel between

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or a re-evaluation of blinksecs as a distance metric

Maybe we could fuse oort and portal conduits, reducing the amount of Oort needed and increase the distance of the portal.

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Maybe we could find new technology to unlock. And would produce portals of some new science allowing extreme blink jumping.

Like multi jumps

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We are talking about adding an extra way to get it? Something that does not break hunting but still stays as an option to get oort?

This isnt Starcraft but that would be cool.

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Lol, boooooo.

i was thinking of something like Oort power coils, repaired by an Oort spanner


Oh thatā€™s would be interesting. A mix of Lucent or higher coils

Oort is a lucent, and it should have other purposes as well.


You still need creature drops to make items for forging so you still need hunting. So this does not eliminate hunting any more than farming eliminated gathering.

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It would be kinda cool, if the universe gets really big to have a chaos type portal that jumps you to a random planet in the oortiverse to explore.

Like an unstable portal.


These are good ideas :star_struck:


iā€™d nominate that idea for going to t8 worlds, screw your sense of security knowing where you land, YOU GONNA GO WILD, GONNA LAND WILD! XD

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Lol, right under a titanā€™s foot. Whoopsie

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HOW ABOUTā€¦ Free Portals for travel on same planet!? Different amount of portals depending on your prestige.

Small baseā€¦ 1 portal

settlement, village, city, great city gets progressively MORE free portals.

Bonus to All players is if you are in a Great City YOU get a bonus number of free portals too.

Just thinking Outside the Box.

I am a ROADBUILDERā€¦ far less need to have roads (except for hunting) if I can have portals everywhere for free in my hub (same planet portals)ā€¦ JUST a Thoughtā€¦


i like the idea, but there has to be something to make it so people donā€™t abuse this.

i like hunting it would be cool to be able to mine oort i have 45 stacks of oortshards i uses about a stack a

I nominate Axon as the Beta Test site for these free portals! :wink: shameless plug (I am ducking for cover haaha)

gonna have to fight me for that right XD


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