We need to overhaul portals and portal fueling

True it is.
Buuut they also need to notice, that their game just can work, if there are enough portals open.
If the Oort Situation is going worse, less and less portals will be available and new player will think more than they already do, that the game is not filled up with active player.
They can continue driving the path they do, but what price it will have?
A game just can work, if there are enough player.

Another side thought, what, if we get rental and private planets?
Nobody left on the MMO-Server? Nobody keep open portals, because nobody has time to spend in the MMO, because on the rental they can build far away from struggles of MMO Life Server?
Well just a thought, but possible happenings.
The Devs would be stupid to be quiet in this case.

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Oort seams were always in the game and most level 6 planets had Oort listed on their resources page. If I remember it correctly, @Mayumichi once calculated that it was 2 Oort seams on Cardass and 1 on the others.

I donā€™t think they can change the current planets and if they can itā€™s just going to be walled of. And if they spawn an Oort exo it will just be collected by the first few people. I donā€™t think they can implement Oort seams in any fair, useful way that would be good for the game. Oort must be collected in an ā€œinstancedā€ way, e.g. through farming, something like the minter or by making hunting fun.

I would appreciate either a ā€œwe are happy with the scarcity of Oort and hope the price rises even moreā€ or a ā€œthe current situation is not ideal and we would like to add an additional Oort sourceā€ or a ā€œwe think everybody should be able to run 100 portals but our servers canā€™t handle it but we are working on the backendā€.

I donā€™t know, I would appreciate if they would find a way to distribute Oort fairer between the player.

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Sure but only (somewhat) recently they added it to knowledge, etcā€¦ and seem to have laid the groundwork for spawning some into the game.

They can change the current planets. They proved this when they added all the farming crops. These were new to the game and had new drops. So it is not impossible to add something like Oort seams to an existing planet. It did take a while to regen the universe but it happened.

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Most likely they accidentally merged the wrong path with some long forgotten test changes and because we noticed they didnā€™t undo it (because reverting it would be a statement).

Good point. But I still donā€™t know how this could be added to not further help the p2w-mine-wallers.

What if there was a way to use a sluice in rivers to collect oort dust that could be compacted into oort shards?

Kinda like gold panning during the old gold rush days

Could be a new activity

Kinda, if i want to make a portal 2x1 that jump 60 blinksec the game let me do it. If i want a 5x5 portal that jump 1 blinksec then i can without the jump in cost.

I think cost should only be from how many blinksec you wanna jump and not limited to the portal size.

Edit: Plus on the design side it would allow way more option. now we have to deal with the limited portal size so it fits our build.


I can understand the overall system load from linking planets together, but Iā€™m not clear on the server side costs of a 10x10 vs. a 1x2 portal traveling the same distance.

If it doesnā€™t add to server/infrastructure costs Iā€™m 100% for this.

If it increases overall costs to maintain the game then I can sure understand why they woudnā€™t want to change the setup.


The whole talk about making oort minable will bring headaches to someā€¦ Take the diamond mines being plotted so the group(s) can have access to them and not the rest of us. It will most likely end up being the same unless there is some public farms. IF oort becomes minable there would have to be some thought to avoid this in my honest opinion.


There is 100% always going to be a complainer.

They could make portals free and get complaints from the people holding 1-3 years worth of oort for their entire networks/hubs right now lol.


I agree oort should be more accessible. Iā€™ve been saying this for a full year.

How come today suddenly there are a bunch of posts about it? Iā€™m glad to have allies and I am merely curious.

Portals to the same planet should be way cheaper. All portals should be cheaper, frankly.

I think mining isnā€™t the answer. The game already unfairly advantages miners with money and XP compared to every other activity in the game. It is absurdly unbalanced. I would say instead double the Oort for hunts on t6 planets, and make it so you get one oort shard (not raw oort) for every plant you destroy or harvest. Harvesters get the least XP in the game for any activity.


Iā€™ve also seen some suggestions for oort ā€˜dustā€™ or whatnot but overall this doesnā€™t seem like a bad idea.

It might be better to have a smaller unit than a shard, which we can compact into shards.

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I would suggest, you need to Gather Epic the Oortseams as Ressource for the Oort production.
This way they could fix Gathering Epic shovel damage calculation on forged Gear. :wink:


This also means a lot of miners would simply destroy them if they got in the way.

No room for gathering epic in my miner build and Iā€™m not looking to do a 15 minute page switch every time I find an oort seam.

At first it sounds like a decent limitation but Iā€™d say it really depends on how they decided to create the spawning rules for those seams.

Three rough oort per xx days? Thatā€™s kinda worthless isnā€™t it?

Rest of post is to everyone

Getting oort has always been something for higher level players, need at least to be able to go to a T3, so trying to provide people with it before that is not really needed I feel.

If we can grow it in huge amounts people are afraid people will hunt less. 90 minutes hunting for 250 rough or 90 minutes farming for 250. But farming doesnā€™t work like that right now for inorganics, takes four days to grow, so you need a lot of plants in order to harvest each day. Plus harvesting can only be done once a day, you can always go on a second hunt.
If they extend growth time of oort to 9 days you will need to have nine fields and harvest one each day for 90 minutes. You can even up that to 120 minutes so hunting will still be more efficient in that way as, well.

Thing is, I got bored of hunting, right now without major changes to hunting I do not see myself doing it. But I do see myself farming itā€¦

Besides a farming way I would also like it to be introduced at the same time as many additions to hunting. More different mobs, more a feeling of actually helping and needing to help, dungeons, titans, hidden chests guarded by one or more hunters, etc. And if the oort seeds only drop on say T5+ planets DURING hunting then people wanting farms and who got bored will go hunt too. If you then still do not want to hunt you need to buy the seeds from people who do and I have noticed with inorganics is that I always like more plants to be more flexible!!!

I think this could work, what does the rest of you think?



I just tossed a low # out there. Maybe you could add a multiplier by spraying petrolim on it or something lol

If the concern is mineable Oort areas getting reserved, then farming is the answer as any plot can be used for farming.


I like this idea if the crop yield was high and the seed yield was really really low


Well they could make the oort seam random and not specific to altitude or anything else.

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I donā€™t have any problem going on community hunts for oortstones.
In fact I look forward to it as it seems to be the only real community event in game.
However I do wish that the portals had a larger storage for the fuel.
1 week on a large portal sucks as I might take some time off from time to time.
Would be nice to be able to get a month or more fuel in the portal without the concern of it falling.