Welcome to Arkyn!

With the latest release updating the compass, it seemed a good time to share the build I’ve been working on now people can actually find it… I’ve been building a small settlement on Therka for the last month and it’s getting to a decent size now, despite me stupidly deciding to make my main material bricks… (so much crafting :frowning:)

Already had a few visits from other players which was pretty exciting! (Always happy to see @hranica who has an amazing build nearby. Definitely worth visiting!) It would be nice to share with other people :slight_smile:

I’m in the process of adding in shops around the settlement and have plans to expand in all directions once I get more plots.
My main shop at the moment is my stone market which is slowly being stocked up - mostly just refined stones at the moment, but I have samples of all bricks and decorative stone. Also adding a small ‘starter’ shop for new players in the area to get basic tools and props for cheap.

Feel free to come visit!

(will add coordinates when I get a chance)


Wow… That’s awesome!! Great job


That looks amazing, fantastic work!


The decking (?) over the water is amazing!

Genuinely never seen anything like that - you should sell the concept to high end architects.


I like the inspiration from the Sanctum here. :wink:


Fantastic !
I particularly like the choice of colors and harmony of the whole.
It is by seeing constructions like this one that we want to go further in the game to bring our stone to the world of Boundless.

Note: @willcrutchley, thank you for the nice encounter during my passage near the capital of Therka. :blush:

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No problem @Volkeyrn , I love meeting new people and anyone in-game!

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Thanks! I originally tried to make it with ice but I kept sliding off…
There are a couple of gaps near the road where I accidentally blocked off the water and couldn’t get it to fill back in. Hoping for a future update with water buckets :wink:


Coordinates for those interested: 1560N 876E :slight_smile:


Oh yeah! This guy is very productive. Nice to watch his ideas :eye:


first thing i find as my new caracter YABO looks amazing
great job


Not so productive over the next couple of weeks… back on my terrible home wifi :frowning: maybe an hour a day if I’m lucky

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Thanks! Was exciting to get a visit from you, hope you managed to get back to Therka market okay :slight_smile:

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yes only the portal you send me to comes out in my streets lol
but doors were closed hahahah walked home after that


I finished my starter shop and have it mostly stocked up. Again, this is aimed at providing the basics to new players in the area. Currently selling stone tools, stone fire pits and crafting tables, torches, and storage blocks. The shop is located in the bottom left arch of the previous pictures.

I decided to go for a ‘theme’ and make everything with purple metamorphic stone, so if you see a new player running around Therka with purple hammers then you know they visited Arkyn :wink:

Next up is a wood store and a garden centre to provide even more resources for builders :slight_smile:
(also hoping to add a portal to a big settlement soon so I wont be so isolated)


Latest Stock Up!

Purple Metamorphic

  • stone (lots)
  • refined (lots)
  • decorative swirl (about 200)
  • bricks (about 200)

Normal Sedimentary:

  • stone (lots)
  • refined (lots)
  • bricks (about 300)

Other Colours:

  • stone and refined rock of varying types

If anyone has a particular request for colour/type then let me know and I’m happy to stock it for you!

The main problem I’m running into right now is the ridiculous amount of spark needed to craft bricks and decorative blocks. If anyone has any suggestions for easy spark/fuel then it would be super helpful!

Work on the wood shop is coming along and stock should be up soon :wink:


Yesss I’m coming for your purple meta bricks!

Edit: I left 50 for the rest of you poor sods


Arkyn is now fully accessible!
@SWProzee1 has amazingly offered use of one of the portals in his transport hub (thank you!). It’s fuelled up for a couple of weeks and I will be gathering more oortstone soon to keep it open.
Located in the centre of the hub, on the pink gleam side.

Come and visit!


Hi @Smidge,

I did cleanup the beacon + portal blocks + ign.stones and the portal token as it was unprotected. Would be a shame if somebody would steal that, right ?

So I put it safe in a storage block so you can collect it later :slight_smile:

The above portal that goes to @Smidge his place is in the giant portal hub, lower level, purple gleam side.


Thanks! Forgot about those pieces…