What are we owed?




10 cookies.


There are still things I paid for as an early backer that I have not received yet. A world and an art book in particular. I have received a few other things for my work as a mod/leader like 2 years of GC and a t-shirt and goodie bag from the Playstation Expo when Boundless was featured there, but I don’t consider those as being equivalent to the backer features owed since nobody else in my backer tier received those things without also putting in work as a mod/leader.

Titans, though… we deserve a statement either explaining why they are scrapped, how they will be implemented and when, or released as-is regardless of jank or incomplete features. It is the #1 feature I first invested in the game for.


This would truly move me out of the meh, I cba playing and why bother camp at the moment (granted 12-14hr days are a BIG factor) to ah ok, understand and I will carry on til you can speak again.

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BTW, @Havok40k what would the world be? Like, would it be a free token for a world in the store, but you’d still have to pay for the world fuel? Or a world in the survival universe? If so, how much agency would you have on it? Like, would you get to customize it like you customize a creative world? Do you know what sort of world you’d make?

I would love to see more permanent worlds.

Didn’t James ever confirm if it would happen or not? You think with the Sovereign/Creative Worlds update, he would’ve taken the opportunity to do it…

To be fair I only filled in the :cookie: one…

Thing is im not sure if we are owed anything from one side or an other.

Could we do with more development updates yes, do i need several updates that just say nothing at all? Definitely not

As far as what is promised and what not… would look good if we get what is promised and or showed. But do I expect it no…
Simply because there is always a chance that it isn’t possible for what ever… things happen…

Do I expect the stuff from the next update?
Hunter/titans no…
Unless they tell us there is a “playable” version of it (like in testing) im not expecting it.

Was/is boundless a waist of my money NO definitely not kept me busy and entertained since console release.
It also won’t bother me if the update takes even longer to develop…

I do want to point out how many games promised things that they couldn’t deliver…
Yes there is a vision but not attainable (for reasons).

Like I said before I probably won’t quit playing boundless any time soon.


Ok the Titans was a feature that got promised by a business annoying yes, should they release it yes, do they owe it to us eh, u bought what u bought at the time I don’t care if u bought it for the future or not. Things can fall apart really u can’t say they owe u something like that when u bought it and u should have known it may not have come to be

Happy to be corrected, but I believe the plan has always been (and still is) that we get more permanent worlds when the number of players playing in the main universe requires there to be more. It’s just that at present, it does not require more planets.

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Every indication we got would be a world in the survival universe. We were even given tools the early versions of the world builder to this end, and many of those worlds were implemented into the pre-launch universe. Post launch, however, none of the submissions were utilized. As far as I’m concerned, many of the biomes developed by players and later utilized on exos were free labor gifted from players to the devs, but never was the original promise fullfiled- a permanent survival world developed to the specifications of the backer.


I was surprised how heavily this one swung towards NAY. They are getting subscription based revenue (gleam club and planets) as well as MTX (cubits for plots/cosmetics) - I’d assume that funding would be dedicated toward further development - assuming all of the below are released and there is still an active, paying playerbase.

Say if I buy ark and they promised on adding a capability to breed dinos and get hybrid ones would I think they should follow through yes but do they owe us it no, unless it is literally in testing and has no major / any bugs

To promise a feature as a core part of a product, and then never deliver on that promise is fraud.


With Local Universe being like a neon sign saying “you don’t need to play with the other players in the survival universe”, that’s not changing anytime soon, then.

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Probably not. But then even ignoring the local universe stuff and looking at player numbers now vs what they were when we got the last set of new permanent planets, it’s not changing any time soon either.

It’s so frustrating that this game just doesn’t seem to appeal to a wide enough audience to make it big, cause it has all the potential to be amazing.

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if they continue to say they have it then yes it would be illegal

Devs have been class-action sued for exactly this numerous times in the past, so I’d have to say that reality says you’re wrong.

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Oh I misunderstood sorry
Also just to be clear do they say they have it in game not in the future

I’d wager it doesn’t appeal to a wide enough audience because Wonderstruck does the bare minimum effort in marketing. They have 0 official presence on platforms like Twitch or Youtube. Even Twitter, they haven’t posted anything since APRIL 7th!
Then there’s the lack of new content, where they focus on systems update, while they should alternate between the two type of updates to keep as many players occupied as possible.

It’s not that building games are too ‘niche’ or anything. The lack of players is 100% on Wonderstruck, IMO.


Doesn’t the producer take a share in the blame for lack of advertising?

Yeah, sure. My point is, it’s not the fault of the genre or we the players.
I think Boundless has an incredibly dedicated playerbase. People who will still be there when the devs decide to put the game in maintenance mode while they work on something else.