What did I say? Seems what I said is true... Boundless not a good game - at least for now

Thanks for your feedback and it’s good to hear that you’ve been playing the game as a family group.

The aim of the Knowledge and Objectives is to make sure that the game can be played fully without resorting to a wiki. (Yeah - you’re all allow to laugh at this point.)

The Objectives are supposed to guide you through “everything the game has to offer”. Likewise the Knowledge is supposed to guide you through “everything that can be crafted”.

One issue that I would like to resolve is that the Objectives and Knowledge gradually unlock their contents based on what you’ve already done. The idea is to not overwhelm new players and put bread crumbs down in front of them. The problem is that if you decide yourself that you want to create a portal and this Objective is still hidden from you - then you’re left going to external resources for the information.

My solution here is to give players a toggle filter on both the Objectives and Knowledge of: “Show Learned / Discovered / Unlocked” and “Show all”. This would allow players to expose everything once they’re ready and find the items they’re looking for.

We’re going to add this as part of the new filters and icon view layouts shown here:

I’d like to balance the Lvl 1 Wildstock to only require 3 / 4 whacks with the totem - as it’s very common for a new player to simply give things a whack to see what happens.

Additionally, I think they should only charge once. The big surprise is that they charge, you dodge it, you turn around to whack them - and you get a wildstock in the face.

The next update does contain a smoothing of these timers.

I think it’s interesting to think about this - but the advantage of the free weekend was that players experience the game without any additional restrictions or handicaps. It’s possible that there is a sub-account path - but then players would be experiencing a different version. Ideally (I think) you want players to explore the game without being second class citizens.

Thanks for the comments.

We only learned about the possibility of a free weekend a few weeks before it happened. We did the best we could with the time we had.