What did you do in Boundless today?

Oooof a little catch-up. Grinding a bit this week. The kids are far and the holiday’s near so I’m having christmas with Jennifer Garner this year :rofl:

In the last 4 days I’ve watched 43 episodes (so far) of Alias. What’s that got to do with Boundless, you say?

Well, many of you got to participate in Orbsmas earlier this week, and a good number of you have had a visit from Sappy Claus. Don’t you worry though because Krampus has been stuck in his hole grinding bones:


So, I’ve turned trunk into doors, I’ve turned trunk into spark, I’ve got trunk fueling furnaces burning trunk into charcoal. TBH I still have about 50k trunk at my base. Feels sort of like the good ol’ days :crazy_face:

I’ve bottomed out my coin twice this week buying animal bits, I actually managed to hit zero buying bones. All for what? Glue glue glue and so much essence for those holiday bonding moments. I keep a gleam ball handy so some gleam poles and beams, a few for the stack, a few for the minter. A stack each of doors and trapdoors for later use.

I’ll see how fast I have to tap that stack of glue image


Got about 50k refined metal blocks to polish up. Decorating time.

:sweat: after a nap though !