Seriously what was I thinking?
cleaning, cleaning
IDK probably goes in “You know you play too much Boundless when …”
Seriously what was I thinking?
cleaning, cleaning
IDK probably goes in “You know you play too much Boundless when …”
Reminds me of grocery shopping when I have the munchies. Seems like a good idea at the time.
No special Color changing EXO == NO Boundless….
i thought it was a screencap from an oortmas hunt!
Finished laying out my new workshop in Norkyna. Now I just have to transfer everything over all at once so I don’t lose access to the campfire reclaims for mining.
I filled up a bunch of mixers on my way to bed last night. If I had been counting I wouldn’t have done this
Must’ve been sniffing too much o’ dat glue.
Decided i needed a candy cane spot right next to my paint store =) still need roughly 360 red candy canes though to finish off this floor(have a buy basket in the Dragon’s lair hub for anyone feeling gifty).
Minting over 300k of sponge and getting orbs I need a life
Had the sound off when I was building my base and was able to turn it back on. Turns out there’s a constant annoying background noise on top of a blowing wind effect. Might have to find somewhere else to settle, right after I reclaimed my old base too. Big whoops on my part.
There is a sort of “high winds” sound and you’re going to hear that above certain altitudes wherever you go.
I’m not sure if it comes with weather or other biomes.
Yeah I totally forgot about it and I built a base in the sky. But I could actually live with that sound, it’s the crackling, scratching noise on Norkyna that is driving me to move out asap.
I did my Christmas maze today it was a wonderful time and had lots of laughs I almost sprayed my TV because of the funny comments that people made in the maze.
Bought a beard. Finally.
Oooof a little catch-up. Grinding a bit this week. The kids are far and the holiday’s near so I’m having christmas with Jennifer Garner this year
In the last 4 days I’ve watched 43 episodes (so far) of Alias. What’s that got to do with Boundless, you say?
Well, many of you got to participate in Orbsmas earlier this week, and a good number of you have had a visit from Sappy Claus. Don’t you worry though because Krampus has been stuck in his hole grinding bones:
So, I’ve turned trunk into doors, I’ve turned trunk into spark, I’ve got trunk fueling furnaces burning trunk into charcoal. TBH I still have about 50k trunk at my base. Feels sort of like the good ol’ days
I’ve bottomed out my coin twice this week buying animal bits, I actually managed to hit zero buying bones. All for what? Glue glue glue and so much essence for those holiday bonding moments. I keep a gleam ball handy so some gleam poles and beams, a few for the stack, a few for the minter. A stack each of doors and trapdoors for later use.
I’ll see how fast I have to tap that stack of glue
Got about 50k refined metal blocks to polish up. Decorating time.
after a nap though !
I still use my copper grapple time To time… Its the Only thing i have left since i started the game.
THE OG grapple.
Just placed a few blocks with pc character. But just for a few minutes. To tiered to really play boundless