What did you do in Boundless today?

Today I went on the Sunday Gizmo hunt. After scarfing down my pie and guzzling my brew, I laid about with my golden fist and slew the monsters by the score. But I could not get them all…


Hunted with Oortthatsgood and the crew, with CatGremlin, early this mornin’…
Forged and forged and forged… got a smartstack of diamond bows perfectly done and showed a friend how to forge a set of speed hammers…
Visited my newest neighbor Bernana…
adventured around Gloviathosa a bit…
hung out with my crew for a few hours, via discord while dying over and over and over… while chiseling.
I am sure I did other things… it was a good, full, day.

Cause noone wants to die alone… such good friends will die along with you…


With the huge demand in white colour at the moment, I decided to scale up the farm a bit :slight_smile:

So dug two more levels (I had 3 so far, so when done it will be a 40% increase of the farm) and finish to marble one of them, just have to chisel to put the lava and I’ll have a full white level :slight_smile:

So if you have white, cold tan, cold berry, cold slate or cool grey kernel you don’t know what to do with, please think about my request basket in :sparkles: Ker Tadigkoz :slight_smile:


I was supposed to be folding laundry but I decided to upgrade my cafe from wood to marble :sob: and then I spent an hour looking for Pale Sepia gleamballs :smiling_face_with_tear::melting_face: I still have two baskets of clothes next me :laughing:


don’t @RachelRush


Time to rename the topic to What did you fail to do in real life today (because you played Boundless) :grin:


Finally rebuilt two rows of my goo farm woohoo! It’s been slow going getting all my stuff out of reclaim and expanding my original home on Seginiakai but I made a lot of progress this weekend


over the last few days i ashed bases on alder & trior & a side project on kol huroo and sorted out the reclaims; BabyCookie’s building a lot so I won’t be so deprived of seeing another player icon anymore. :smiley: i’m into a lot of solitude time (as long as there’s a cat) in rl but in-game i get unmotivated & dumpy w/o some sense of the presence of others :smiley: the stories :smiley:


Going to build in cookie kingdom?

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Today, I reclaimed a couple of builds. Going to redo my shop and try to offer more variety. Got plans to redo a hot spring build and have starting making preparations to move to my Sovereign. Location is key.


Finished up a Gleambow hub on Gyosha Ophin! I’ve had a spot marked for a year and a half… Love it and am looking forward to doing some gleambow hunts in the near future.

Haven’t opened the portals yet… but they are fueled and ready to go. <3


I finally got the highest tier feat for chiseling! 100,000 times I chiseled things :tada::tada:


So took a week but we got it fokes. Soon the chandelier will be right in the middle of this dome. :heart::rose::star:


love those stars :smiley:


Wow, I would love to know how you done that. It’s really good.

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I adore the silver stars

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I can show you :grin: it’s not to hard to do. I am glad it turned out.


Another Segi?! You should have joined us in Raxacoricofallapartorius!

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:eyes::sweat_smile: not sure I follow, but I’ve been in the same spot on Seginiakai since 2020, I’ve just decided to come back to it as my home beacon because it’s steps from a portal hub and the last 3-5 towns I joined became ghost towns. Just figure if I’m going to be lonely anyway, at least I can be lonely with easy access to what I need lol


I’m also in the same spot on Segi since The Exodus was the capitol, just the name has changed.