What did you do in Boundless today?

While out looking for Greater beacon fuel, stopped by Trung. Sat down at one of the memorials and cried for a bit. I didn’t even know her real well, but I miss @AeneaGames all the same.


Made a Boundless sign above my plot :slight_smile:


After a week break I went through my alts to remember what I was up to.
Then I went to the rift exo with my miner:


Ran around looking for request baskets. Raised 80k. Spent it all on hammers/shovels/waterbreaker , kindling shreds and 2 chisels.
Made my very first batch of concrete and patterned concrete.
Now I’m trying to come up with new shapes for a planned temple and came up with this …
Not sure how I’m going to USE this mind you. Maybe as the top of a dome?[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2819797766]


I spent my time trying to make sure to bolster a safer community for people wanting to play this beautiful game that I love so much. I want to take a moment and thank some of the other true good people that play this game and took a stand against someone who wanted to bully and bash community members. The honor of the community is terrific and makes me proud to call this game my home.


I got accused of being a bully even tho i was just try to play my game so yeah its be swell


I spoke to a dev yay, that’s a win for me hahah


What happened?

I was thinking this thread should be titled “What did you do in Boundless yesterday?” as I am always commenting on what I did the day before.

Yesterday, I filled my concrete shop and again have all colors. I harvested all my kindling and goo.

I created a sand storage in my concrete shop so that I can keep track of what sand I have and can quickly grab it and create concrete fast for orders.



in my case it’s what I did today and up to a few days before, depending on when my last post was

and usually it’s one of a few things I did - I chose the most important to me or the one that took most time… or I make an arbitrary choice of sort that is hard to explain :sweat_smile:

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I was with a friend he was helping me build my storage area then one of my other friends comes over and tells be your doing your farm wrong i said ok i will fix it then alex and babycookie apeared out of know where which was cool then they leave my one friend that said about the farm say i didnt know you hung out with bullies then he said now i know what to expect from you

Ps i help my friends before myself thats just how i am

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I did some building yesterday. Might continue today


There’s really no set way to do a farm. There are recommended ways, but how you do your farm is up to you.
If you want to see a really big farm, go to the Park on Biitula. That thing is massive…

Yesterday, I sorted quite a bit of my rock into colors so that I can crush a lot of it into gravel and then into sand for creating more concrete. I am almost complete with sorting the sand, gravel and rock so that I am more efficient.

I plan to expand my kindling farm to another level so that I can fill up an entire inventory with Kindling Shred on each harvest.


I Love The Boundless sign :heart: you get a special :cookie: @james chan and @Leahlemoncakes chan you see the Boundless sign it Beautiful

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Not much happening but a few days back I did remove a floor I didn’t like from my new Pyramid and left it open


I made an air hockey table. It’s not great work but I had fun :wink:


finishing the brewer’s house

overview with a crane and a tank:

middle of the ground floor:

top floor front side:

top floor wing:


Made a silly air hockey table ;0


i broked some totems on goo !